Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club showing will be on Friday 6th May 2016 at 7.30pm in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.    Running time 104 min. Certificate 15.  We will break for refreshments half way through. The film is in English with subtitles for other languages.    Read more

Vandalism at the Parish Church

image001One of the kneeling figures in the Wendy monument in the south east corner of the Chancel of Haslingfield Church has been badly damaged and part of it removed. It is not known when the damage occurred but if anyone saw anything suspicious looking back over the last few days, please let one of the Churchwardens, or Harold Hopkins know; or use ‘Comments’ below.
Click the picture to see the damage.

Scarecrow Festival 2016

scarecrow colour logo from prueThe Haslingfield Scarecrow Festival is going to run this year during the
weekend of the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in June.  All scarecrows (especially royal ones)
are welcome.  If anyone would like to run a stall etc on the Sunday as part
of the Scarecrow Trail please let me know and we can advertise it on the
map. (Alix Robinson,, 870167)

Photo Preview – Haslingfield Little Theatre’s Riotous new Comedy

HLT logo 2With less than a month before opening night for Ken Ludwig’s Lend Me A Tenor, the Haslingfield Little Theatre cast and production team are in full swing. If you haven’t bought your tickets yet – 19, 20, 21 May, Haslingfield Village Hall – they are available at:

For some shots of last night’s uproarious rehearsal, click Read more

Beer Festival Menu

Ale Fest Menu

Ale Fest Menu

Here is the list of Ales for the first ever Beer Festival to be held at The Little Rose Pub. It’s taking place this week, on Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd April. There will also be three real ciders on offer. The pub is open for the beer festival from 1pm until 10.30pm on Thursday and Friday and from 1pm until 11pm on Saturday with food available all day. There’ll also be free live music from 8pm on Friday by the Remenants and also from 8pm on Saturday by the Melody Beats. There is also a special commemorative beer glass for everyone to collect to celebrate the special occasion.
Click on the Menu to enlarge.

Village Beer Festival This Week

Ale Fest AdThe Little Rose Pub is holding its first ever beer festival this week, on Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd April. There will be 15 real ales plus real cider on offer. The pub is open for the beer festival from 1pm until 10.30pm on Thursday and Friday and from 1pm until 11pm on Saturday with food available all day. There’ll also be free live music from 8pm on Friday by the Remenants and also from 8pm on Saturday by the Melody Beats. There is also a special commemorative beer glass for everyone to collect to celebrate the special occasion.

TICKETS ON SALE – Haslingfield Little Theatre’s HILARIOUS COMEDY….

lend me a tenor final final versionYou can now buy your tickets for our latest play – Ken Ludwig’s Lend Me A Tenor, a hilarious comedy for teens upwards, at Haslingfield Village Hall on 19, 20, 21 May.

“A furiously paced comedy…with wonderful farcical moments” Time Out, NY.
“Fills the theatre with the sound of laughter”. Sunday Express
“The most inventive, original farce in a long time.” Punch

Tickets cost £9/£6 concessions. To buy your tickets now, please click here.

Provenance Kitchen

IMG_1501 (2)Provenance  will be firing up their wood fired oven again in Haslingfield on Thursday 14th April, 6 – 9 pm at Country Kitchen on Church Street.  Another varied menu!