The Haslingfield Chronicle

Who stole a green flounced petticoat from the house of Thomas Prime of Haslingfield in the County of Cambridge on 18 September 1784?  And what else did he nick?  To find the answer to this and a hundred other gems of essential knowledge you’ll need this fascinating publication. Read more

Next Village Society Talk

It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet – BUT IT HAS!
John Grieve of the Cambridge Veterinary Group will speak of adventures and misadventures during his career.  This promises to be a humorous and interesting evening, to which all are welcome.  Tuesday April 17,  Haslingfield Village Hall,  8:00 PM.   Members and school aged children free, small charge for adult visitors.  Refreshments  included.

Film Club


The next film show will be at 7.30 on Friday 9th March 2012 in Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Admission is free.  Tea/Coffee half way through, collection to cover refreshments and facilities. Read more

Waiting List for Popular Allotments

Haslingfield Allotments are so popular, there’s still a waiting list. This and many other issues were discussed at their recent committee meeting. The next meeting is on 30th April, more details are in the calender here. Details of next Working Party Day here. More details of the recent committe meeting are below… Read more

Choir Concert

Sunday March 25th
All Saints’ Church Haslingfield at 7.30pm.

Haslingfield Choir and Orchestra

Durufle: Requiem      Haydn: ‘Nelson’ Mass

Soloists: Vanessa Ashbee, Anna Harvey, Julian Gregory and Nick Mogg

Conductor: Graham Walker