Cream Tea Time Again!

Enjoy a traditional cream tea with freshly-baked scones, jam and cream, in the informal woodland garden of  The Dovecote, 29 High Street, Haslingfield.

Date & Time: Sunday 13 September from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

All proceeds to Parkinson’s UK.

RESULTS – South Cambridgeshire District Council Elections

Here are the results for Haslingfield and The Eversdens:

Thomas Frearson – Conservative – 95 votes
Helen Haugh – Labour – 52 votes
Robin Page – Independent – 516 votes (elected)
Rebecca Ridley – Liberal Democrat – 514 votes

Source: South Cambridgeshire District Council at:



[email dated 28/2/2012 3.30 pm]

I would like to make you all aware of three recent dwelling burglaries that have been reported in the village in Church Street and New Road.  Whilst we can’t categorically confirm they all took place at a similar time, it is possible that all occurred within the last 24 hours.

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Tea at the Ritz

The annual charity fundraising event, Tea at the Ritz, was held in the Village Center on Saturday 25th February 2012. Here are some photos of what it was like… Read more

Burglary in New Road Haslingfield 5/12/2011

Yesterday in New Road a bungalow was broken into by forcing a rear kitchen window and jewellery was stolen. It is believed the offence occurred at around 8.20pm and the offender was disturbed. A similar offence took place on 21st November, also in New Road, when a house was burgled and jewellery was also taken. This was at dusk time. Read more