Sponsored Walk from Cambridge


 All Saints’ Haslingfield has a fine memorial window to its missionary Bishop, Charles Mackenzie, who prior to his going out to Africa to help combat the slave trade and to help establish the church in what is now Malawi, walked out from Cambridge to Haslingfield on Sundays to help with services in the church.    The full story of his life can be found in the display inside the church, but there is now a link between Haslingfield and Magomero, the place where he established a base in 1861.   The Church in Haslingfield together with other parishes in the Mare Way Group has helped with renovation of the school buildings, and most recently with materials for the construction of a church building, which is nearly complete. Read more

Break-ins on the High Street 16-17th July.

For all you Haslingfield residents, there were two break-ins to garages on the High Street late on Tuesday 16th July to early on 17th July when bicycles and a motor bike were taken – if you noticed anything please contact the police.

Shiny New Bus Stops

New bus stops! (3)We are delighted to report some new bus stop signs and some timetables have been installed by Stagecoach. Not only in Haslingfield but along the route of the No. 27.

This demonstrates a certain degree of commitment to maintaining the service and who knows it might even improve!

However there are still Read more


P1030564Owing to illness the Post Office opening hours will be 10.00 am to 2.00 pm, Monday to Friday, until further notice.   See the sign at The Village Shop for updates.

Sheds & Greenhouses Allowed on the Allotments

The Parish Council has agreed that one shed OR greenhouse could be erected on a garden plot. Max dimensions of either to be a 6 x 4 feet base, which must be of temporary material. In the case of a greenhouse being erected on a plot glazing must be a plastic material NOT GLASS.  Find out more in the minutes of the latest meeting of the village’s allotment association below… Read more

Explosion heard over Haslingfield this morning

I (along with a load of other people no doubt) heard a really loud explosion followed by jet plane noises in the sky this morning. I looked at my watch and it said 11.33 am. I guessed the explosion might be related to the jet plane. I just checked on the internet and found this explanation. Looks like we are still living in the 9-11 era.