Haslingfield Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership

SPEP WestThank you to everyone who took part in the sustainable parish energy partnership projects last year in the village. We had a great turnout at our Energy Day and fantastic feedback from the Thermal Imaging surveys – hopefully it was all useful!

This year we are not running any events in the village, however SPEP is still operating across the district and everyone is welcome at neighbouring parish events! We can also still organise for residents to borrow and use various equipment from South Cambs, including Energy monitors and the NEW energy saving light bulb library all for FREE! Please click ‘Read More’ below for more info: Read more

Foxton Art Exhibition: 14th – 16th November

Nearby village, Foxton, is holding an art exhibition from 14th to 16th November. Foxton Art Exhibition is an award-winning annual event held each year in November. A stylish event with exhibits from many, very talented, local artists, the exhibition is held in large, attractive, modern facilities in the heart of Foxton. Read more

Faith To Live By service

SONY DSCOn the evening of Sunday 12th October at 6.30pm we will be pleased to welcome at the Methodist Church our guest speaker Baroness Kathleen Richardson and her title is ‘Is there a Christian case for assisted dying?’  She will talk about the bill on this topic currently being discussed in the House of Lords.  There will be a short time or worship, an address, refreshments and discussion.  Everyone welcome. Read more

Film Club

movie cameraThe next meeting of the Film Club will be in the Methodist Church Rooms at 7.30 on Friday 10th October.  The film is 104 min long and refreshments will be served half way through.  There will be a collection to cover the costs, including use of the room.  If you wish to be put on the Film Club e-mail circulation list contact: phildale48@aol.com

This Wednesday and Saturday View Pub Plans

You can quiz the new owners of the Little Rose Pub this Wednesday and Saturday over their plans to build two houses on part of the pub garden. Representatives of owners, Wrenbridge, will be holding an exhibition of their plans in the Lounge Bar of the pub this Wednesday 8th October from 4pm until 8pm and then again this Saturday 11th October from noon until 4pm. Copies of the plans are below. Click “Read More” to see the plans and for more information

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CaptureOn Saturday, 11 October at 7.30 p.m. in Harlton Village Hall, Harlton resident, David Davies, will be giving an Astronomy Talk entitled “HOW I WONDER WHAT YOU ARE……?”

£5 entry: School Children Free  *  Suitable for all ages * Coffee available during the interval

To book your place, telephone Maggie on 01223 263719.

Guide Dogs’ Talking Buses Campaign

guide-dogs-week-logo-200pxA Haslingfield resident with a guide dog has told us about a campaign called Guide Dogs’ Talking Buses. It concerns people with sight loss who need audio visual announcements on buses so they know where they are and what the next stop is. To find out more and sign the petition, please go to www.guidedogs.org.uk/buspetition. Thank you.

Cricket Club Promoted

Haslingfield Cricket Club has won promotion for the first time in decades. They came second in the Junior League 2 South, with Thriplow 2nd XI topping the table. Haslingfield narrowly missed out on winning the league by half an average point. Click Read More for more details…

Cricket Club

Cricket Club

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harvestAll Saints’ Haslingfield,   Sunday 5th October at 10.30am

Joint service with the Methodist Church, and all the village.  Do bring harvest gifts, traditional or tinned etc. We will send what we can to the local Food Bank.

The service will be followed by a bring and share lunch in the Methodist Church.  All are welcome.

Urgent need for Volunteer Visitors for Age UK Cambridgeshire

Age UK CambridgeshireAn SOS has gone out to find volunteers to be part of the Age UK Cambridgeshire Visiting Scheme; which offers support to people who are lonely & isolated in later life. Age UK has a waiting list of clients in Haslingfield & adjoining areas and it is keen to hear from your readers. For more info. go to READ MORE Read more

Learn Spanish at the Little Rose

Pub Spanish at the Little Rose in Haslingfield starts on Monday 6th October.
Beginners (and false beginners): 7.30-8.30
Post GCSE or equivalent:             8.30-9.30.
£6 per lesson (10% discount of paid termly)

Contact admin@cambridgespanish.com to register (just to give me an idea of numbers). Please feel free to come along and try it out without committing. If you aren’t sure of your level, get in touch and talk it through.

Pub Garden Plans Published

The new owners of the Little Rose pub, Wrenbridge, have published their plans to build two houses on the newly fenced off part of the pub garden. They’ll both be detached, one will have 3 bedrooms and the other will have 5 bedrooms. Access will be via Badcock Road. Wrenbridge will be holding an exhibition of their plans in the Lounge Bar of the pub on Wednesday 8th October from 4pm until 8pm and then again on Saturday 11th October from noon until 4pm. Representatives of Wrenbridge will also be there to answer any questions you may have about their plans. Click “Read More” for more information and to see the plans

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THIS SUNDAY Cream Tea Time Again!

Cream Tea This Sunday 7 September between 2.00 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. you will be able to enjoy a traditional cream tea with freshly-baked scones, jam and cream, in the informal woodland garden of The Dovecote 29 High Street, Haslingfield. All proceeds to Parkinson’s UK.