Cricket Team Beats Second in the Table

Haslingfield Cricket Club

Haslingfield Cricket Club

This Saturday (4th July) saw Match 10 for Haslingfield Cricket Club. Playing at home on the village Rec in absolutely glorious weather and for only the second time this season (abandoned match excepted) they had eleven men. But what a game to watch, with Haslingfield ending up winners by just 3 runs against Cambourne, who were second in the table! For full match details, click on ‘Read More’ below:-

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Village Summer Fun Day (2)Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Sunday 5 July, from noon onwards, the Village Summer Fun Day will be held in Haslingfield Village Hall and Recreation Ground. There will be Sports, Live Music, a Dance Workshop, BBQ, Bar and more. Ticket price will be £2.50, to include a burger or hot dog. Proceeds will go to Little Owls Preschool and the Tennis Club. The day will officially finish at 4pm but people can stay longer if they want to. To see where to buy your tickets and more details about the day, please click Read More: Read more

3 Young Haslingfield Residents appear at the ADC Theatre This Week

Three young Haslingfield residents, Eliza Chambers, Rachael Chambers and Adam Pennington, are starring in Murder in the Red Barn, a brand new comedy musical starting tonight (Wednesday 1 July) and running until Saturday 4 July at the ADC Cambridge. They are all part of the Cambridge Youth Musical Theatre – Eliza and Rachael are also former members of Haslingfield Young Little Theatre, and Adam took the main lead in Comberton Village College’s Les Miserables. To find out more and to buy tickets, please click here: Read more

Pub Quiz This Friday 3rd July

Little Rose Opening Hours

Little Rose Opening Hours

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place this Friday 3rd July. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The date of the quiz has been switched to the first Friday of every month due to popular demand!

For more details on the pub, click Read More…

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Adding Comments

Do you have Something to Say about any post (article) on the website? For instance you may agree with what’s been said, disagree, or perhaps have more information to add. If so, do please add a comment to the relevant post…. Read more

Barrington Plans Approved

Cemex’s application for 220 houses on the cement factory was passed by South Cambridgeshire District Council’s planning committee yesterday morning, by 6 votes to 5.

There was a very good turnout from local residents. The committee took the arguments about the impact and sustainability of the development seriously, but in the end they gave more weight to the current shortfall in housing in the district, which is putting a lot of pressure on the council.

There is no room for appeal against the decision (except by judicial review, which is unlikely).

Shed Break-ins 27-28 May 2015

The police have reported the following break-ins. If you live in Haslingfield, I recommend that you check your shed to see if it is OK. (I did this tonight and mine in Knapp Rise had been broken into). If you were responsible for this let’s say you are not welcome here to say the least. Read more

Cambridgeshire Crimestoppers


This is in order to advise local residents on how to avoid being a victim of doorstep crime.
Crimestoppers is a charity that run campaigns aimed at generating intelligence that can be used by our local constabulary to detect and thereby prevent crime. We provide 100% anonymity to those who pass us information and often receive intelligence that people would otherwise not have passed directly to the police. Please read: Doorstep Crime Crimestoppers – Newsletters Article

Cement Works Decision This Wednesday

It has now been confirmed that the application for 220 houses on Barrington cement works will be decided by the planning committee of South Cambs District Council this coming Wednesday, 3 June at 10am at South Cambridgeshire Hall in Cambourne Business Park. The planning officers are recommending that the committee approves the proposal. They have given a lot of weight to the fact that a brownfield site is being redeveloped and they say that this outweighs all of the negative impacts of the proposal.  The agenda for the 3 June meeting can be found here:

For more in this, click Read More…

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New Date for Pub Quiz

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will now take place on Friday 5th June because of a private event this Friday. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance.

For more details on the pub, click Read More…

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Bank Holiday Monday Village Shop Opening Hours

Village Shop & Post Office

Village Shop & Post Office

The Village Shop will be open this Bank Holiday Monday 25th May from 8am until 11am and the post office will be closed. You can buy newspapers and magazines, a wide range of groceries and confectionery, fresh milk, hot drinks, cold drinks, wines and spirits, greeting cards and stationery, plus ‘bits and pieces’ such as batteries, drawing pins, etc. As well as fresh bread, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Free Disco this Saturday 23rd May

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The Little Rose Pub is holding a free disco, this Saturday 23rd May. The music starts at 8pm and there will be sounds from across the last few decades so there should be something for everyone to get their dancing shoes on for.

Click Read More for more details on the pub…


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Plans for Cambridge United’s new stadium and Trumpington sports village to be unveiled next week.


Please find below an invitation to the event that has been sent to more than 7,000 residents of Abbey and Trumpington and advertised locally.  Throughout the course of the day, a team will be holding talks every 2 hours around the consultation boards.

18th May 2015 – 12pm to 9pm – Trumpington Meadows Primary School, Kestrel Rise, Trumpington CB2 9YA

19th May 2015 – 12pm to 9pm – Supporters Club, R Costings Abbey Stadium, Newmarket Road CB5 LN
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