Watch Euros Final at the Pub

If you fancy watching the game on Sunday night 8pm Kick Off for Portugal v France in the final of the Euros. Special deal of £3.00 a pint plus free sausage & chips at Half time at the Little Rose Pub.

Caribbean Night Saturday 16th July

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The Little Rose Pub is hosting a special and Caribbean Night including a special Bar-B-Q with themed food on Saturday 16th July. Entry is free and there’ll also be special Caribbean Music and a prize of a bottle of Vodka for the person who turns up in the best Caribbean outfit. The evening starts at 8pm.

Flying Legends

Ahead of the Flying Legends Air Show on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 July, IWM Duxford has released some important safety information that it wishes to share with local residents:

• IWM Duxford takes great care to ensure that its air shows are as safe as possible for everyone involved.
• It is not safe to occupy the fields immediately south of the runway during the air show. If you do so you are putting yourself and the display pilots in harm’s way.
• In support of this, Grange Road will be closed on 9 and 10 July 2016.
• In the event of an incident it is imperative that the emergency services have clear, unhindered access to the tracks across this land.
• There is no public access to these fields at any time.
• Tickets must be bought in advance, no on the day sales are available.

IWMEsther Blaine – Public Relations Manager – IWM Duxford – Cambridgeshire CB22 4QR

First Aid Course for Parents/Carers

I am considering organising a First Aid course aimed at those who care for children in Haslingfield, this could include parents, grandparents and babysitters. It would be a one off 2 hour course covering the basics. It would cost £12.50 per person and take place sometime in the Autumn term, more than one could be arranged if there were sufficient interest. The course would be run by Tim Killick from Cambridge Medical Training. If you think that you might be interested then please complete the poll at: Read more

Pub Quiz this Friday 1st July

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place this Friday 1st July. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The quiz takes place on the first Friday of every month. It’s great fun with a good number of all local teams taking part each month. There’s 6 rounds including a picture round and it finishes around 10pm with a break halfway through.

NEXT FRIDAY – Haslingfield Strawberry Fayre

Strawberry Fayre Poster (2) 2013mediumNext Friday 1st July from 5.30 to 7 p.m. the Haslingfield Strawberry Fayre will take place in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Gardens. There will be a BBQ, a Delicious Buffet and Strawberries & Cream. Also Fun & Games for All and a Variety of Stalls.

Proceeds to MIND, Little Owls and the Methodist Church. Entry: A donation of an item of non-perishable food for Cambridgeshire Foodbank. Come along and join the fun!

What a Weekend!

The Church bells heralded the start of a true village celebration. Children and parents congregated at the Methodist Church for the Fancy Dress procession to the Recreation Ground and then the day took off!!
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Trumpington Farm Company – Farm Tour, Tuesday, 21st June

Forgive this unsolicited message, however as users of the Cantelupe Cycling Access scheme I thought you might be interested to know that we are holding an evening tour of the farm next week exclusively for residents of Haslingfield.  This will give you an opportunity to hear about what we do here and ask those questions you’ve always wanted to know the answers to.  The tour will be led by Owner/Director Richard Pemberton and our Estate General Manager, David Knott and will start from Cantelupe Farm at 6.00pm.  You will be taken to various places of interest on the Estate in a trailer.  It is a great chance to hear and ask questions about our work here.

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Pop Up Shop Tuesday 14th June

The next Pop-Up Coffee Shop at the Methodist Church is Tuesday 14th June 8:45 – 11:30am in aid of Ovarian Cancer.  In April the shop raised £150 for the Alzheimer’s Society.  Come along for fairtrade tea, coffee, cakes and pastries.  Why not pop-in for breakfast after the school run?

For more details, contact Rev. Alison Walker:  (01223) 872862
Methodist Minister, Castle Street Methodist Cambridge, Dry Drayton Methodist, Haslingfield Methodist

Home-Visiting Volunteers Needed

Home StartHome-Start Royston and South Cambridgeshire are looking for home-visiting volunteers. Can you give a family the most precious gift – your time? Our volunteers are all parents or grandparents who can give a few hours a week to help families who are finding it difficult to cope.

All parents need emotional and practical help to get through the first few years, but not everyone has friends or family nearby. This is when Home-Start volunteers can help! Read more

Open Floral Demonstration at Haslingfield Village Hall

Flower Club PosterEversden & District Flower Club is holding an Open Floral Demonstration on 27 June at Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.45 pm. Doors open at 7 pm when there will be ‘champagne’ and strawberries and a chance to browse the craft stalls.

Tickets are £10 available from Julie 01223 262902 or Juliet 01223 843923.  Read more