Haslingfield: Burglary Harston Road and Break-in New Road

08/05/2018 between 22:49 – 22:57 Harston Road, Haslingfield A crowbar was used to force entry through a warehouse door and a large quantity of lead was stolen from within.

01/04/2018 – 10/05/2018 New road, Haslingfield. The door of a house was jemmied open and an untidy search carried out.

If you have any information which may assist with the investigation into these crimes then please call 101, or call crime stoppers anonymously 0800 555 111.

Message Sent By Joe Haylock (Police, PCSO, South Cambs – Histon)

Eversdens Players

While not in Haslingfield ,some villagers may be interested in the performance of the Eversdens Players in their village hall on 17, 18 & 19 May.

More details when you click the poster.

Shepreth Level Crossing News

Please click here to find out more about Shepreth Level Crossing temporary closure and trains.

Hope this will be helpful to Haslingfield residents who pass by Shepreth and those hoping to use the train between Cambridge and Letchworth on Sunday 6 & Sunday 13 May.

Wild Haslingfield Walk and Community Poem

21 April, 2 pm – meet at the Rec (Village Hall car park)

Join fellow villagers of all ages as we walk to the Jubilee Woods and the River Cam (1/2 mile each way). We’ll collect our impressions of spring in the young wood, using words and pictures, and create a community poem to share and possibly “publish” amongst ourselves.

clic the poster to enlarge Read more

Easter Weekend at the Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Lounge Bar

Little Rose Lounge Bar

There’s a free Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday at the Little Rose Pub, just turn up in time for the 2pm start to take part. On Easter Saturday evening, from 8pm, there’s a free disco. The monthly pub quiz takes place on Good Friday, entry is £10 per team, with a maximum of 6 members per team. Don’t forget the Easter Egg Draw.

Pub Quiz Easter Friday

Little Rose

Little Rose

Easter Friday, 30th March, sees the next Little Rose Pub Quiz, which takes place on the last Friday of every month. Teams of any number, up to a maximum of six, can take part. Cost of entry is only £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. We can also make up teams from whoever turns up on the night. The quiz now takes place on the last Friday of every month. It’s great fun with a good number of all local teams taking part. There’s 6 rounds covering many topics including a topical quiz round as well as a picture round. The quiz finishes around 10pm with a break halfway through.

Wild West Villages Group Meeting

We are a group of people interested in the environment, wildlife, sustainability and getting families out in nature. We came together after the screening of ‘wetheuncivilised’ in February and are still in the process of talking about what things we’d like to do, but on the table are talks about the Transition movement and sustainable shopping, more film screenings, recycled art projects, a repair café and, on the 21st of April, a families walk to the wild spaces in Haslingfield.

Our next meeting will take place on 10 April at 7.30 in the Little Rose pub lounge bar. If you are interested in any of the things mentioned above, and live in Haslingfield, Harlton, Barrington or Harston, please come along.

Jumble Sale

16th/17th Cambridge Scout Group
Saturday 10th March 2018 – 2.00pm – Haslingfield Village Hall

Drop off items on the day at the Village Hall (10am-12pm)
or phone Nick on 871465 to arrange collection.

Please note: we cannot accept any electrical items