Author Archive

A Concert to Celebrate the Life of Margaret Houghton M.B.E.

For thirty-nine years, Margaret Houghton, who sadly died this June, was the inspiration and power house behind Haslingfield Choir and Orchestra, directing two concerts a year in All Saints Church. Now, the choir and orchestra are celebrating her achievement with a concert in All Saints Church on Saturday, October 16th at 7.30 pm.

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Recent Burglaries

We have these reports from Holly Chandler our Watch Scheme Support Officer based in Cambridge Constabulary.

On the 1st September between 12.30am and 5.50am, a property on Church Street, Haslingfield was broken into. Unknown offender(s) have entered the property either through the front or back door and have stolen high value electrical items, such as a laptop and television, along with cash and mobile phones.

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Scarecrows ‘on tour’

A number of scarecrows were apparently moved from the village to a roundabout on the A603 / M11 junction, and one was found in Hardwick. They have since been returned to the village – no doubt to the great relief of their owners who will have put a lot of work into them.

Are all the scarecrows now accounted for?
Who moved them and why?
Were they trying to hitch a lift up the A14?

Scarecrow Festival

Last weekend’s Scarecrow Festival was a great success!  Click here to find out more:

If you have any comments you’d like to make about the Festival,  please click on Scarecrow Festival heading (above) and add your comment at the end of the article by clicking on “leave a comment”  (your e-mail address will not appear on the website)

And, if you didn’t get the chance to see the scarecrows, or would like to see them again,  here are some photos:

Power Cuts in the Village – Update

The road into Haslingfield from Harston is closed by the police for safety reasons. The electricity cables crossing the road by the Pavillion have been seen to be arcing. Looks like the electricity supply problems are not yet over….

Did the Romans live in Haslingfield Village?

There is archaeology everywhere, even here in the village. The Roman way of life came to this region in the later 1st century AD and collapsed by the early part of the 5th century. There is evidence, mainly pottery, that they built a farm near River farm and perhaps a villa up Cantelupe road, but not in the present village. Therefore some years ago we were surprised to find Roman pottery in a water pipe trench dug for a new house in the High street. Read more

Bake House

In the beautiful surroundings of well house meadow enjoy a visit to village history. The bakehouse will be open to visitors along with a display of a selection of the archives held and maintained for you by HVS. Opening days 8th May, 12th June, 10th July, 7th August, The Village Festival, 9th October.  Time 10am to 12 noon.