Author Archive

Safe as Houses

Cambridgeshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service and Cambridgeshire Police have been receiving reports from concerned residents who have been called out of the blue by a security companies offering them an alarm system for their home. In some cases the sales person has refused to give company details, or have given a telephone number which is just an answerphone. Claims made by the salesmen suggest they are connected to the Police Service which is untrue. Read more

Haslingfield Archive Photos – now on the website

Following on from last weekend’s successful History weekend and for those people that missed it, we are now in the process of adding well over a hundred historical photos from the Haslingfield Archive to the website.

The photographs have been provided by the archivist John Beresford and scanned into electronic form by Alan Jenyon. (We do have higher resolution versions of some of the images, but we have tried to make a good compromise between image quality and speed of response in viewing the images).

Tea at the Ritz

Big “Thank You” to Marjorie, Janet and Liz for organising another successful, and enjoyable “Tea at the Ritz”. With their team of efficient and polite waitresses and those working hard behind the scenes, they managed to pull off another memorable afternoon while raising money for village organisations.

Adding Your Own Events to the Website Calendar

If you are aware of an event going on in Village and the surrounding area or which may be of interest to some villagers but can’t see it in the calendar, then you can now add it yourself.  Maybe you are involved in the event, or you’ve seen it on a poster or in Church and Village and would like people to know about it. Here’s what you do. Read more

Volunteers Needed For Environment Projects Around Haslingfield

The Haslingfield Environmental Working Party is planning further projects around the parish including a survey of the flora and fauna in the local landscape. Are you a keen naturalist / birdwatcher who would be willing to help us?

We are also seeking recruits for occasional ‘hands on’ work in the Wellhouse Meadow, and for the Millenium Pond Project. To find out more, please phone Martin Heazell (870289) or Clive Blower (870741)

Burglary in Haslingfield & Local Police Newsletter

Between the 8th November at 12pm and the 9th November at 6.45pm, a property in Cantelupe Road, Haslingfield, was broken into.  Unknown offender(s) have gained entry into the property by forcing open a wooden framed door frame in the rear conservatory.  A search has been conducted and so far it is known that electrical items have been stolen. Read more

Volunteers Wanted to Help Vulnerable People with the Digital TV Switch Over

Support our outreach work in Cambridgeshire’s villages and towns.  How we receive our television signal is changing. At the end of March 2011, the current analogue signal will be turned off and replaced with a digital signal that you will need special equipment to receive. The national “Switchover Help Scheme” has been well-publicised but there will still be many people who do not understand what Switchover is about and these are likely to be the most vulnerable people in our communities. Read more

Burglary in the Village on Monday Night

Between the 18th October at 10.20pm and the 19th October at 6.30am, a property in New Road, Haslingfield was broken into.  Unknown offender(s) have entered the premises through a garage door and have then got into the actual property possibly though an insecure internal door.  A search was carried out on the ground floor of the property and numerous electrical items, cash and some personal items have been stolen. Read more