Harlton Village Summer Fete

The Harlton Village Summer Fete is almost upon us. It will be on Saturday 14th July at 2:30pm on the field next to the village hall.

More details when you click the poster.

Greenways Consultation Event

You have all been sent a leaflet on the Greater Cambridge Greenways – Cycles route to Cambridge ,which shows there will be a public exhibition in the Haslingfield Village Hall.

This is incorrect and the meeting will take place at 4:00-7:00 pm on 4th July  in the Haslingfield Methodist Church ,25 High St. , Haslingfield , Cambridgeshire , CB23 1JW

Haslingfield Speedwatch

In June our Speedwatch team was joined, for one session, by a PC with responsibility for casualty reduction in Cambridgeshire, the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and the County Speedwatch Co-ordinator.
There are now 150 Speedwatch teams working throughout Cambridgeshire, each team returns their data on speeding vehicles directly to the Police. Session results are then actioned by the Police.
We were pleased to learn that the Police also use the combined data from County teams for a variety of purposes. Read more

Trespass – Chapel Hill, Haslingfield

Between 14:45 and 23:00 on Tuesday 19th June, offender(s) broke a lock securing a perimeter fence and once entry was gained a lock/handle was angle-grinded off of a metal cabin at the base of a telephone mast. It is unclear if entry was gained or if anything was stolen as the door locked on itself blocking staff access.

If you have any information, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Remember to report anything suspicious in your area on either 101 non-emergency number or 999 in an emergency.

South Cambs Safer Neighbourhood Team

Haslingfield School Summer Fair – This Saturday, June 23rd, 11-2

Calling all bakers! Haslingfield School’s Summer Fair is this Saturday, 23rd June, from 11am – 2pm. There will be a Victoria Sponge Bake Off competition at 12.30pm, no need to pre-enter just turn up with a cake and our expert judges will taste it. We’ll be auctioning off the 3 best cakes (minus a slice). The children’s Bake Off is for any cakes they’d like to bake. Read more

Curious Church Street Traffic Speed Survey

The traffic survey running on Church Street recently as can be seen from the rubber cables running across the road. Shortly after the survey started this blue car was parked next to the cables. The survey has now stopped and the car has gone as well. The presence of the car would have slowed down the traffic going past, since it effectively makes it a single carriageway Hence the results of the survey would not be valid. 

Bake House Opening

The old bake house on Well House Meadow will be open on Saturday, 16 June , between 10.00 and 12.00 am.  Selections of photographs and documents from the village archive will be on display, and members of the Village Society will be on hand to explain the history of the bake house and the various old artifacts that are stored there.

Can you drive? Would you like to help local people?

Why not become a volunteer driver with the Haslingfield and Harlton Community Car Scheme?

The scheme helps people who don’t have access to a car to get to medical appointments and other essential visits.  As a volunteer driver you are completely in control of how much – or how little – driving you do: you provide details of your general availability to the Scheme Coordinator, and when the Coordinator contacts you by phone or e-mail to ask if you can do a particular drive, you can say Yes or No – no pressure is applied!

Drivers receive compensation for fuel used, 30p/mile from the users and an additional 15p/mile claimed from Cambridge County Council.
We need more volunteer drivers, particularly as we head into the summer holidays.  If you are interested, or would like further information, please contact Joanna Fullick at jmfullick@gmail.com.

Haslingfield Parish Clerk

Haslingfield Parish Council are delighted to announce the arrival of our new Parish Clerk, Vicky Crowden. Vicky has previously worked extensively in retail banking and management consultancy and starts with immediate effect. May we also take this opportunity to offer our thanks to our previous clerk, Frances Laville.
We continue to welcome communication from our parishioners. Vicky can be contacted by email (clerk@haslingfieldparish.co.uk) or by phone 07495 435029.

Jenny Jullien – Chairman, Haslingfield Parish Council