Come to our Big Brekkie

The Big Brekkie at All Saints’ Church will start Christian Aid Week in style.  Come along and enjoy breakfast, tea and coffee and good company!  Join us between 9am and 10.30am on May 11th for a bacon/sausage sandwich and a cuppa to raise money for Christian Aid.  

Other breakfast options will be available.  All proceeds to go towards the work of Christian Aid.  For more information, please visit

Roadworks – Chapel Hill and Church St, Harston

The roadworks on Chapel Hill have now commenced. The contractor advises that, although the start was delayed, the roadworks should still end on May 17th 2019. Please note that there is also a road closure on Church St, Harston between 7th – 10th of May so both roads will regrettably be closed at the same time. This issue has been escalated to the County Council.

Village Society Talk, Tuesday 16th April

Beginning at 8.00pm, a talk entitled ‘Medical Research: the Past, Present and Future’ will be given in Haslingfield Village Hall by Dr Nicola Muirhead.

Everyone is welcome, society members and school age free, a small charge for visitors.  Coffee and biscuits in the interval

TICKETS ON SALE: Stepping Out – The Musical

Haslingfield Little Theatre’s latest production is Stepping Out – The Musical by Denis King, Richard Harris and Mary Stewart-David, on 16, 17, 18 May at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. This heart-warming, toe-tapping musical follows the story of the lives, loves and laughs of nine women (and one man) attending a weekly tap class in a dingy church hall.

Tickets £12 (£10 concessions, Thursday & Friday) at:, the Village Shop and Country Kitchen.


Haslingfield Spring Clean 2019 – thank you!

More than 20 people turned up on Sunday to tidy and clean the village, with an encouragingly high proportion of children taking part. Areas tackled included: Porkers Lane and River Lane; Harston Road; Wisbeys Yard; The Recreation Ground and Skatepark; Broad Lane to High Street; Wellhouse Meadow; High Street to Church Street and New Road footpath.

Three favourite quotes of the day:

  • Passer-by to fellow Parish Councillor – “What did you get your ASBO for?”
  • Husband to wife, child and dog when leaving home to help – “ It’s a really worthwhile thing you are doing!!”
  • And child to her father – “Can we do this every month?”

A huge thank you to everyone who took part on Sunday and to the many villagers who litter pick on a regular basis when out walking.

Jenny Jullien
Chair, Haslingfield Parish Council


Film Club

The Next Film Club meeting will be held on Friday 12th April 2019 at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 106 min., Certificate:12.  We break for tea, coffee and biscuits half way through.  ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used.  Read more

Haslingfield Spring Clean – Sunday 7th April – Reminder

The weather is looking good – a perfect day to help out with Haslingfield Spring Clean

As well as litter picking, we plan to ‘clean up’ certain areas within the village, e.g. the playground. Teams will be provided with gloves, litter-pickers and bin-bags (supplied by SCDC), a few hi-vis waistcoats will also be available. Just come along to the Village Hall between 9.30 am to 11 am or 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.
We look forward to seeing you, even if it’s just for half an hour.
Jenny Jullien                                            4 April 2019