Film Club will meet on Friday 6th December at 7.30pm, with MINCE PIES etc.  We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free. 

Film running time 110min; certificate:PG (Mild bad language, brief scary scenes); ‘Hard of Hearing’ subtitles will be used.  We break for tea, coffee and biscuits half way through. Read more

The Little Rose


We have many things going on over December which we hope the village will join in.

Friday 13th – Christmas Quiz – 8pm start
Saturday 14th – Dr Phil Soul Man  Soul Motown & Reggae Singer – 8.30pm start
Wednesday – 18th Christmas Bingo – 8pm start
Friday 21st – Carol singing from 8pm
Saturday 21st – Motown night Disco – 8.30 start
Christmas Day – We are open from 12am to 3pm
Boxing Day – 12am to 11pm
New Years Eve we have a disco 70s, 80s & 90s music come and see in the New Year

Latest Cambs Police News Release

Cambs Police, receive a 999 call every 4 mins & reports of a non-emergency every 90 secs. Think carefully whether the situation you are facing is a police matter, or can it be reported online. Information and videos to help victims of crime link:
If you see something police should know about, please report it. You never know…it could be the missing piece of the jigsaw that they need in order to take action. Information can be passed to police via one of the three forms below:
Telephone call 101 Online at  Textphone 18001 101
For anonymous reporting please contact crime stoppers: Telephone 0800 555 111
Online at

Thank you for taking the time to read this. PCSO 7087 Martin South Cambs Safer Neighbourhood Team

All Saints’ Church





1st December
9.30am All Age Service

8th December
9.30am  Holy Communion with Sunday Club

15th December
9.30am  Morning Worship with Sunday Club
4.00pm  DIY Nativity

22nd December
9.30am  Holy Communion with Sunday Club
6.00pm Carol Service

24th December
4.30pm    Crib Service
11.30am.  Midnight Communion

25TH December
10am          All Age Holy Communion

29th December
8.30am       Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Toft
10.30am     Holy Communion at Little Eversden

Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association

The Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having their annual general meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 4th December in the the Village Hall at 19:30.

They have some vacant plots so if you have some spare time and want either a plot or get involved then just come along or contact Julie Seeking on 01223 871287 or email

Speedy pothole repair

Last week I noticed a pothole appearing in the Barton Road outside n. 35.
By Thursday it was looking dangerous even though not large, but it was 4 inches deep so a danger to cyclists. On Thursday afternoon I went on line to and used the facility to register the problem with highways. This is very easy to use and you can give the exact location of the problem with details.
Highways obviously considered it a hazard as they came out the following day and filled it in. So if you do notice a similar hazard, do report it using this facility and you could be as pleased as I was to see it actioned so quickly.
Lucian Hatfield