Juniors Football Open Morning

Saturday June 4th

Venue: Haslingfield Recreation Ground (off New Road in the Village)
Time: Turn up anytime between 10.30am until noon for a free kick about.
Haslingfield Colts Under 12?s is looking for new players to strengthen its squad to play in the local league next season. To play you have to be in Year 7 at school from this September.
To find out more, come along on June 4th or call Neil Poole on 01223-870484 or Keith Murray on 0787-6683192 or email keith@murraysouthwell.plus.com We conform to all FA regulations and are CRB checked.


Music for a Summer Evenining

City of Cambridge Brass Band

play ‘Baroque to Pop’

8.00 pm, Wednesday 8th June
in the magnificent surroundings of All Saints Church, Haslingfield

Entry £6.00

Refreshments available

School Diary

John Beresford the village archivist,  has been posting highlights from the school diary for a few months now. He has now made a transcript of the entire diary available for download (its about 2MB), this covers what was happening in the school from 1874 through to 1975 and so it of great local interest. We hope you enjoy browsing through it.

Film Night Premiere

Film:      RANGO (PG)
Date:      Friday 10th June, 2011
Venue:   Haslingfield Primary School Hall
Time:      6.30pm – 8pm
Cost:        £3.00
Tickets:  In advance from the school office or on the door.

Popcorn, snacks and drinks will be on sale.  Funds raised will
go to the PTFA.

PTFA Car Wash

:   Haslingfield Primary School (in the School car park)
Date:      Thursday 19th May, 2011
Time:      From 16.30 to 18.30 hours
Booking: Either in advance at the school office (870457) or just come along and get your car cleaned
Cost:      £3.00 per car

Music and refreshments available while you wait. All funds raised in aid of PTFA.

Half Term Holiday Play Scheme at Orwell

Petersfield schools holiday club (Puffins) is running a holiday scheme on Tuesday 31st May to Thursday 2nd June of half term for children over the age of 3. Puffins is run by highly qualified and experienced staff. Facilities are based within Petersfield school (Orwell) and include access to school playing field, fully equipped kitchen, numerous toys and equipment. Read more


“Scrape the Barrel” folk group with Clive the Caller
Saturday May 14th, 7.00 – 10.30 pm
in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield
(flat shoes to be worn!)
Youngsters’ Session at 7.00 pm, on the dot
Ploughman’s Supper 8.30 pm
Licensed Bar
Raffle prizes

Tickets from Haslingfield shops, or on the door
Adults £10.00, School age £5.00, under five’s free
Supper included

Info: friends@bgott.orangehome.co.uk or phone 01223 871002


Royal Occasions and the School

Royal occasions are invariably welcomed by schoolchildren, as they often mean time off. Even the sad ones often bring respite from normal lessons. The Haslingfield School Log Book provides plenty of examples of both.

Queen Victoria must have been particularly popular, with her large number of children and her longevity. The 21st of June 1887 was a public holiday, to celebrate her Golden Jubilee, and school finished early on the next day, so that children could attend the village celebration. Her achievement of a Diamond Jubilee ten years later brought three days’ holiday. In between, in July 1893, the future George V’s wedding was celebrated with a “school-treat”. His coronation in June 1911 merited a week’s holiday. Read more

Haslingfield Little Theatre wins Award

In March, the annual South Cambridgeshire Arts Awards took place.  Haslingfield Little Theatre won the award for Contribution to Village Life for our plays, social events, Young Little Theatre, Youth Fund and Arts on Tour in Cambs, as well as our fund-raising several years ago for the Village Hall extension, which continues to be an extremely useful village facility. Read more

Royal Wedding Street Party

Venue:     Haslingfield Primary School
Date:         Friday 29th April, 2011
Time:        12.30pm
Tickets:   Available from the school office or the village shop
Price:       £2 Adult, £1 Child or £5 Family

Bring a picnic/drinks and celebrate the royal wedding.  There will be refreshments on sale and a cake stall.   Family games will start at 1.30pm and the royal wedding will be shown.  Profits to the PTFA.