Next HVS Talk

Tuesday 15 November, 8.00 pm in the Village Centre
Life in a Mirror: Symmetry in Nature
Dr Stuart Warren, retired lecturer and researcher, Dept of Chemistry at Cambridge University.
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Comberton Village College: A Note from the Principal

One of the ‘Big New Ideas’ from the Coalition Government regarding education relates to ‘Teaching Schools’. This is the suggestion that some schools nationally should be designated with this title. The notion and the terminology are based on the model of ‘Teaching Hospitals’. Some schools are to be seen as beacons of good practice and should take the lead in the training and the professional development of the teaching profession. Read more

Haslingfield School History: Evacuees

Haslingfield School seems to have accommodated its fair share of evacuees, receiving some 160 in the course of World War II. They seem to have come in three main waves: shortly after the start of the war, when the Luftwaffe were threatening to drop all sorts on London, including poison gas; in 1940-41, when they did start bombing the capital, and in 1944 when the V1 and V2 rockets were launched by a retreating German Army. Read more