Next Haslingfield Village Society Meeting

tigerWhere the wild things are!  Rebecca Willers from Shepreth Wildlife Park will talk about the work there, her experiences with The Tiger Anti-poaching Project in Sumatra and the Hedgehog Hospital Project.  Tues., 19 February, 8:00pm at The Village Centre.  Members and  school age childrena free; small charge for non-members. All Welcome.

Nora and Old Haslingfield

Nora’s recollections include glimpses of old Haslingfield now lost. Before Broad Lane was built in the 1950s, there was a cart track that was impassable during the winter. On the left stood a meadow filled with elm trees and, in the spring, violets.It was known as The Grove, and on the right was an orchard. The footpath joining New Road, the church and the green was a popular walk, and the meadow on New Road was used for games before the recreation ground existed.

The recreation ground was a gift from Henry Badcock, a farmer on Barrington Hill, and Chivers. It was opened on April 13th, 1925 by Dr. Young, a local GP. Mr. Badcock also paid for a wooden pavilion, which stood until 1974. A cricket pitch was laid, and tennis courts and playground provided, after World War II.

Next Film Club Evening

movie cameraThe next film show will be at 7.30pm on Friday 8th February 2013  in Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Admission is free.   Running time c. 140 min., rating 12.   Tea & Coffee break, collection to cover refreshments and use of room. Read more

Haslingfield Under 7’s & 8’s Football

We are very pleased to announce that a new opportunity for boys and girls to play football has arrived in Haslingfield every Saturday morning. A new under 7’s team is assembling as part of Haslingfield Colts (which until now has only had an under 13’s team).  From 9.30am-10.30am every Saturday morning, all year 2, year 1 and reception-aged children are welcome to come to training at Haslingfield Rec. Read more

Haslingfield School PTFA Jumble Sale – Haslingfield Village Hall

On 2 February, the Annual PTFA jumble sale will take place at Haslingfield Village Hall. Doors will open at 2.00 p.m., so please come along and grab yourself a bargain! Please drop any jumble and unwanted Christmas presents to the hall on the day between 10.30 – 12 noon No electrical items please.

Haslingfield Under 8’s Football

We are very pleased to announce that a new opportunity for boys and girls to play football has arrived in Haslingfield every Saturday morning. A new under 7’s team is assembling as part of Haslingfield Colts (which until now has only had an under 13’s team).  From 9.30am-10.30am every Saturday morning, all year 2, year 1 and reception-aged children are welcome to come to training at Haslingfield Rec.

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Burglars Target School

It is with sad regret that we have to announce that vandalism and heavy malicious damage occurred to school property at 8pm on the night of 16/01/13. Some items were also stolen. If you have any information or spot any suspicious activities, please report it to police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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