Film Club

movie cameraThere will  be no film club in May 2013 because of other commitments, but I can thoroughly recommend the Haslingfield Little Theatre production  on Thursday 16th, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th of May.   The evening will consist of two very amusing plays and there will be the usual refreshment bar.  Tickets at the village shop – don’t leave it too late to buy!

Next Village Society Talk

Far Away Places.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013.  Haslingfield Village Centre. 8:00.

GangesMichael Coles will take us on a journey through India from the Himalayas, down the Ganges and on to the far south in Kerala.   His illustrated talk will cover natural wonders, picturesque people, fauna, flora, cities and countryside.   Read more

Bake House Opening

IMG_1555 Come and see the inside of Haslingfield’s historic bake house and browse a section of  the village’s extensive archive of old document and photographs.  Saturday morning, 4th of May, from 10.00 am to midday on Well House Meadow.

Eliza Goode

Having looked at village life in Nora Cannell’s time, the next few entries will look at life a couple of generations before, through the eyes of Eliza Goode.

Eliza was the fourth child, and first daughter, of Emma and Thomas Goode, a bricklayer, and was born on 28th December, 1859. Read more

Haslingfield Methodist Church launches new web site

496-Haslingfield-MC-pjd-1024x563[1] Have a look at our new web site and find out about church and community activities.  There is Coffee House, Community Film Club, guest speakers, activities for young people and much more.  Watch a welcome video by Catherine Dixon our student minister.  Did you know the first Methodist Chapel in the village was built in 1867 with donations from local farm workers and the building still stands today?  Do you know where it is?

Tickets Now Available for Crosswords and Compost

HLT Poster - May 2013Haslingfield Little Theatre’s May production is Crosswords and Compost – two very funny comic plays by local writer, Nick Warburton. The plays will be performed on 16, 17 and 18 May at 7.45 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall.

: £8 per person (£5 concessions – no concessions on Saturday), to include light refreshments in the interval.
Tickets available at Haslingfield Village Shop, at Country Kitchen, and on 01223 872007.