Film Club

movie cameraThe next meeting of the FILM CLUB will be at 7.30pm on Friday 11th October 2013 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free. Running time c.92 min., Certificate 12A.  French with subtitles.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms. Read more

Harston Surgery Patients – Annual ‘Flu Clinic

Later on this month, the Harston Surgery Patients Annual ‘Flu Clinic will take place – details as follows:

Venue:     Haslingfield Methodist Church
Date    :     Tuesday 29th October
Time   :      11.15 am – 12.15 pm

If you are eligible, please sign the form in Haslingfield Village Shop – click here  for details on eligibility: criteria for flu vac 2013Please note that children aged 2-3yrs have been included for the first time, this year.

The Badcock Recreation Field

The Archives have just acquired a copy of an article written by J.G. Watson of Pate’s Farm in 1961 about the creation of the Rec. My next two postings will reproduce extracts.

‘It is many years ago now since Mr. Henry Badcock looked vainly round the village for a field for the children and young people to play on without being chased off by an irate farmer or landowner. Read more

Music in Quiet Places

She’ Koyokh,koyhok

Britain’s best klezmer and Balkan music band, will be playing in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield, on Friday 8 November at 7.30 pm.
Tickets £13, £11 concessions, £6 children,  from Cambridge Corn Exchange Box Office, 01223 357851,  2 Wheeler St., Cambridge CB2 3QB; online: ,  or from the Village Shop in Haslingfield. Read more

Apple Saturday at Country Kitchen

apple dayHave you got masses of apples and at a loss as to what to do with them? Bring them along to Country Kitchen on Saturday the 5th October from 10h00 – 13h00. We’ll pulp them and press them (you and the kids can join in too!), and all you have to do is collect lovely, fresh apple juice to take home and enjoy. Please remember to bring your own containers in which to collect the juice!


 Well-house Meadow wildflower project.

Wellhouse-Meadow-annualsThe area that has been prepared for the wildflower project is looking in very good shape (nearly everything dead, soil warm and damp) ready for seeding on Monday of next week. Rather than rotovate the soil the District Ecology Officer has advised that it would be better if it was lightly raked.  This is therefore a request for as many people as possible to come and lend a hand either on Sunday afternoon – 29th September – at 3pm, or on Monday 30th at 1.30pm.  If you are able to come just bring yourself and a rake, even better bring a friend and two rakes.   With lots of us the job will be done in no time.   The picture shows the annual wildflowers sown on the bonfire site which made a wonderful display this summer (click on it).
Many thanks
Rebecca Ridley 870109


P1030692MetroInns Ltd took over the tenancy of The Little Rose last week  on an initial one year deal with Greene King.   Scarlett & Paul, who were temporarily ‘on loan’  from one of the company’s other pubs, have now left and been replaced by the  permanent team, Alison & Steven James. Read more

Pub Under New Management

The Little Rose Pub is now under temporary new management. The pub is now open from 5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and from noon on Saturdays and Sundays. It has also restarted showing sports on the TV. There are also plans for it to start offering food soon. More details as and when we get it.

Little Owls Preschool Opens

We are delighted to announce that Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool is now open. The staff, committee and 17 Little Owls would like to thank everyone who helped to get it reopened, it has been a real challenge and could never have happened without the determined support of local residents and businesses.

We are very grateful to Sue Jackson for running the Little Owls Baby and Toddler Group while we waited for the preschool to reopen, this group has now closed.