The Haslingfield EWR Drop In Event is Now 12th October 2-8pm at the Methodist Church

This is the twice postponed Haslingfield EWR Drop In Event and still the first chance villagers have had to meet EWR staff face to face and have our say about the proposed railway. In case you think it’s not happening, speaking on Look East this week, our new PM Liz Truss gave her in principle support to the railway although she would not be drawn on whether it would stop at Bedford or continue to Cambridge. Read more

SNOW WHITE PANTO TICKETS ON SALE: Haslingfield Village Hall, 17, 18, 19 November

Tickets are now on sale for the Haslingfield Little Theatre panto: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Ben Crocker, which is being performed on 17, 18 & 19 November at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall, with a matinee performance on 19 November at 2.00 pm.

You can buy your tickets at £12/£10 concessions (under 18s/65+, excluding Saturday night’s performance) at: There are also a few on sale at Haslingfield Village Shop and the Little Pantry.

The Book of Condolence

The book of condolence is now available in the All Saints’ church and if anyone wishes to leave flowers we are happy to care for them.

Jenny Gore