Would You Like to be a Parish Councillor?

The Parish Council meets on the second Monday of each month in the Village Hall. It is responsible for advising SCDC on planning issues, the parish budget, management of the VillageHall, Skatepark, Play Area and Recreation ground, footpaths etc. If you are interested in becoming involved with running the parish and contributing to decision making which affects your village please contact the Parish Clerk, Frances Laville on 01223 874585

Little Owls – Summer Stay and Play Group

Little Owls Preschool LogoAs all the toddler groups and preschools have closed down for the summer, we have decided to start a Stay and Play group. Babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers are welcome, as are their older siblings, although the toys will not necessarily be appropriate for older children.

Summer Owls will run on the following dates from 10am to 12pm at the Methodist Church. Please bring your own snacks and drinks, we are only asking for a contribution of £1 per family to cover the cost of renting the space – we are not expecting to make a profit from this, we just want to offer something for the local children to do. Please see the dates by clicking on Read More, below. Read more

CamSight House-to-House collection

100-camsight-logo-rgbA very big “Thank You” to everyone who contributed to the collection in Haslingfield and Harlton in June. A record amount of £1,619.61 was collected and a further £200.00 will be recouped by CamSight as a result of the kind people who Gift Aided their donations. In case you have any worries, CamSight WILL NOT contact you as a result of having your address!

We are extremely grateful to the friends who have knocked on your doors and collected the money. It’s not an easy job! Please click Read More below for more info. Read more

Summer Events at Country Kitchen

Country KitchenCountry Kitchen is hosting 2 supper events, following on from our previous ‘Steak &  Honour’ burger night which was a great success.
We are delighted to have Steak & Honour join us again on Thursday 24th July, 4.30-8pm. They will be serving proper burgers made with local produce and a vegetarian option is also available; so please look out for their famous bright red Citroen H van.  And there’s a rumour that we will have a local jazz quartet to listen to while we all queue up….
Then on the 14 August, we’re doing something similar with ‘Fired up Pizza’ who serve wood fired pizza out of their airstream caravan. They fire their oven with  ‘hotlogs’ from Cambridge Woodworks at Penn Farm Studios, so everyone is doing their bit for sustainability!

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Would you like to be part of Jack and the Beanstalk?

HLT LOGO (2) jpgOn 27, 28 and 29 November, we will be performing the panto, Jack and the Beanstalk. Tomorrow night, Thursday, 17 July, we will be reading through the script at 7.45 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall. (Auditions take place next Thursday 24 July – same time, same place).

We would love to see some new faces (as well as some old ones!), so if you think you may enjoy being part of this show – on stage or back stage, why not pop down to the Village Hall to find out what would be involved. No previous experience is necessary – just lots of enthusiasm!


IMG_1555Haslingfield Village Society did not open the Bakehouse and show archives as advertised on July 5th because of the weather (it was raining). We do plan to be open, on Well House Meadow, between 10 am  and 12 noon on Saturday August 2nd.

Mini Soccer In Haslingfield

In January 2013 Haslingfield Village saw the return of Mini Soccer for children between the ages of 5 and 7. As part of the already well established Haslingfield Colts FC that had been running for over 8 years, and under the guidance of FA Qualified Head Coach Chris Coleridge, training started on Saturdays mornings for an hour each week with a small group of 7 year olds.

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Pub Stays for the Short Term

Local Haslingfield Couple will take over the running of the Little Rose on the 15th July. At the same time, the pub will become a Freehouse. Neil and Sue Poole have lived in the village for 35 years and are very experienced local business people.

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Annual Haslingfield Strawberry Fayre

Strawberry Fayre Poster (2) 2013medium Will be held on Friday 11th July from 5.30-7.30 pm in Haslingfield Methodist Church Gardens
(Indoors if wet).
Enjoy BBQ, homemade buffet and local strawberries and cream, stalls, cake stall, games, raffle.
Organised by Haslingfield Methodist Church and Little Owls Preschool.
Profits to charities: Cambridge Street Pastors, Little Owls Preschool & Methodist Church.
Entry: Voluntary donation of an item of non-perishable food for the Cambridgeshire Food Bank.

Haslingfield Parish Council and the Great War

It is still a matter of some debate on how much the Great War impacted on life in a rural community like Haslingfield. John Beynon, in his ‘The Call to Arms’, outlines the impact on individual families whose menfolk either enlisted or who sought, through exemption, not to enlist. But was there a collective impact? Click Read More below for more info. Read more