THIS SUNDAY Cream Tea Time Again!

Cream Tea This Sunday 7 September between 2.00 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. you will be able to enjoy a traditional cream tea with freshly-baked scones, jam and cream, in the informal woodland garden of The Dovecote 29 High Street, Haslingfield. All proceeds to Parkinson’s UK.

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club will be at 7.30pm on Friday 26th September 2014 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 120 min., Certificate 12 and subtitles for the ‘Hard of Hearing’.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms.
If you would like to be put on the email circulation list, contact

Faith To Live By service

SONY DSCOn Sunday 14th September at 6.30pm our guest speaker will be John Hardwick, a very talented speaker and performer and his title will be
Everyone welcome. 

In a relay race if one runner decides not to bother then the race is over for that team of runners. In a similar way, we as Christians have a responsibility to ‘pass on the baton’ and tell the next generation about God’s love for them.  Read more

Safari Supper Details

Haslingfield “Safari Supper” takes place on 11th October 2014. It’s a 5 course dinner party, with each course in a different house in the village. You pay for the course you host, plus £10/head (£5/head for main course hosts). All profits will go towards the Tennis Club Floodlights Fund but anyone in the village can join in. Simply get together a group of 8 friends who would like to have the main course together, and send all names and addresses to the e-mail address below or send your name and address if you would like to join in but don’t have a group of eight. Please e-mail to book a place. More details below

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Pub Now Selling Harston Brewed Beer

The Little Rose Pub is now selling Draft Real Ale that’s brewed in Harston, and it was delivered by bike! The ale is Black Light and is brewed by BlackBar at its microbrewery. Black Light is on sale this week, alongside Lacons Encore, 3.8 % from Great Yarmouth, and Wells Eagle IPA, 3.6% from Bedford. Now the Little Rose is a true Freehouse, it can sell whatever beer, or lager, it wants to, with Neil and Sue keen to support local brewers. More details are below.

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Superfast broadband

superfast_broadband      Superfast broadband

The good news is that the dark green cabinets in Lilac Close and School Lane providing superfast broadband have now been connected to the exchange in Harston by OpenReach.  This means that most people in Haslingfield can now enjoy a much higher speed when connecting to the internet using Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) technology which is known as fibre optic. The actual speed you can get will depend on where you live in the village and how far you are away from the green cabinets, with a claimed maximum speed of almost 38Mbps if you are very close. You may also need a new type of router called a VDSL router in your premises as the technology is different from the existing technology called ADSL broadband, which is used by most people.

You will need to contact an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to see if they offer the fibre broadband service in Haslingfield. There are already quite a few companies offering it. A good starting point will be here:  (note: Some may not offer the service until the end of September)

Ron van der Hoorn
Broadband Champion for Haslingfield


scarecrow colour logo from prue12th ~ 14th September

All Weekend look out for  scarecrows around the village and even a few in Harlton. Please remember to put your scarecrow up before the 12th September. (There are some bales of  straw  behind the Glebe wall in the churchyard and near the churchyard shed.  Please take it away in blocks so as to minimise mess).

See below for the great programme of events . Read more

Brass Band Concert

P1020719The City of Cambridge Brass Band returns to All Saints Church,  Haslingfield on  Wednesday 17 September at 8 pm.  Refreshments available during the interval.

Tickets £10  from Haslingfield Village Shop.
Enquiries 01223 872190

The Great War: Panic in the Villages?

As Zeppelin raids continued, including on the Cambridge area,  German bombers continued raiding London, and Germany was making strides on the Western Front, a fear seems to have gripped the British mainland. Extreme circumstances produced extreme suggestions, like this letter in the ‘Cambridge Chronicle’ from F.L. Nicholls, Of Fulbourn:

“Sir – What is to prevent a flight of enemy aeroplanes landing in our villages, leaving one or two of their number with machine guns to protect the planes while the remainder carry death and destruction to everyone and everything they come across? ….

In every village we now have volunteers; some of these should always be ready with machine guns and grenades at home, and … a small supply of machine guns should be provided for use in case of emergency. Will this be done or shall we have to wait till some massacre of innocent civilian women and children and old people has taken place?”

Thankfully for the streets of Haslingfield and Fulbourn the German threat was thwarted in early 1918.

Pub Grand Opening

The Little Rose’s official Grand Opening Night takes place at 8pm this Saturday 30th August. Come and meet the new managers, Neil and Sue. People from the current owners, Wrenbridge, will also be at the pub to meet everybody. You’ll also be able to see the brand new food menu and new real ale & beer, now that the pub is a proper Freehouse and no longer anything to do with Greene King. You can also see what you think about the pub’s new decoration. Read more

Pub Now Selling Food

The Little Rose Pub is now selling food. The Restaurant is now open from 6pm to 9pm Mondays to Fridays, noon until 9pm on Saturdays, with Sunday Lunches served from noon until 3pm. Sunday Lunches are cooked by a local, professional chef and cost Adults £8-95 and Children £5-95. The menu also has a wide range of Children’s meals, all costing £3-00.

Pub Menu

The pub sells teas, coffees and a special selection of children’s drinks alongside the usual real ales, lagers, wines and spirits. As the pub Read more

National Burger Day

cklogoburger.jpg thumbSTEAKAND&HONOUR returns to Country Kitchen with their scrummy ‘burgers.
Wednesday 27th August from 4.30 to 8.00 pm

CLASSIC £5.50 / CHEESEBURGER £6.50 / SHROOM (V) £5.50