Haslingfield United Charities: Education Fund

The Trustees of the Education Fund invite applications from young people resident in the village and under the age of 21 for small grants towards the cost of educational expenses. Such expenses would typically include the purchase of necessary course text books and instruments, also tools etc required for recognised apprenticeships.   Click ‘Read More’ below for further details Read more

Xmas Bingo at the Pub

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

This Wednesday 10th December sees Christmas Bingo at the Little Rose Pub with cash prizes. First number will be drawn at 8pm. Just turn up to take part.

At the moment the Real Ales that are on sale at the pub are: Bedford based Well’s Eagle IPA bitter which is 3.6%; Doom Bar Bitter, now the No.1 selling cask beer in the UK, which is 4% from Sharps Brewery in Cornwall and Young’s Bitter from Charles Wells Brewery in London which dates back 175 years and is 3.7%, as well as real cider. The pub also sells teas, coffees, soft drinks, lagers, spirits and good honest food. Click ‘Read More’ for further details… Read more


The next film Club meeting will be at 7.30 pm on Friday 12th December 2014.
movie cameraWe shall meet in the Methodist Church Rooms.   Running time is 116 min, Certificate 12, and we shall break for refreshments halfway through.  The film is in several languages with English subtitles.  Read More‘ 

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image002The Haslingfield Village Society presents:  An Evening of Mystery, Magic, and Music with a Two-course Meal – The Secret World of Charles Dickens.  Ian Keable, winner of The Magic Circle Comedy Award, performs the favourite magic tricks of Charles Dickens and divulges the spooky practices of Victorian psychics. During a hot meal with dessert, Tom Hatfield will entertain with music from the Victorian Music Hall. Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 7.00 pm. Haslingfield Village Hall.  Tickets at £12.50 are available from January from: the village shops, M. Hendy (870270), M. Stringer (871256). Put the date in your diary, this is not to be missed.

Christmas 1914

The Cambridge Chronicle posted a reassuring view of life in the trenches:

“Tommy at War – They lie in the slush of the trench bottom and discuss the merits of football players at home and argue which is the better team, and make bets which club will be at the top of the League and – and then they have a shot at the Germans and the Germans have a shot at them”.  (Please click ‘Read More’ below for more information). Read more

Charity Fair – Thank you

Charity FairA massive “Thank You” to everyone who supported the Fair. We have just heard from all the charities, and can now let you know that the total raised was £2,386.00!!

We are fortunate to live in such a caring community.  The money will be put to good use by all the charities.

Haslingfield’s Archaeology

Haslingfield Grey Report gives the results of field walking, casual observations, test pitting and an earthwork survey undertaken by the Cambridge Archaeology Field Group within the parish between 1981- 2012.   Go to www.cafg.net and click on ‘Reports’.

Country Kitchen

Turkeys 2014Our turkeys will come from Black Barn Turkeys at Meldreth, and can be free range bronze, free range or barn. Turkey crown, butterfly or rolls can also be ordered, as well as hams, gammons, sausage meat and chipolatas.  Happy Christmas!

Haslingfield Primary School Christmas Fayre – 5th December

Christmas Fayre poster4The Haslingfield Primary School Christmas Fayre is on Friday 5th December
from 3.30pm – 5.30pm at Haslingfield Primary School.

There’s a lot going on: Stalls, games,crafts, live music from the school brass band, a cafe serving hot drinks and delicious cakes and of course a visit from Santa himself!

Free entry.

Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association – AGM

vegetable_garden_194668The Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 2nd December in the Little Rose Pub in the village from 7.30pm. We are looking for new members and anyone interested in helping with the allotments which are on the road to Harston. The site is currently fully occupied and no waiting list. Anyone with green fingers is welcome.

Ron van der Hoorn – Treasurer

Break in on Barton Road

burglarThere has been an opportunistic break in at 66 Barton Road earlier this afternoon (25 November) whilst the occupants were out  for a short while so there are people about looking around and knocking on doors waiting for just such an opportunity. So please keep an eye out for any unusual activity.

The police are interested if anyone has seen anything suspicious or has information.