We Had A Fabulous Time

oasisOASIS, the holiday at home for seniors, met again on 28, 29 and 30 July.  About 50 people came this year and it was great fun.  We had feature talks and quizzes, and each day ended with a tasty lunch.  Activities included solving mysteries a la Sherlock Holmes, singing, painting, craft making (some fine wooden boxes), poetry, meditating, chairobics, enjoying the Sayers’ model railway in their back garden – and a highlight:  baking scones in the Wellhouse Meadow  Bakery. Read more

Old Haslingfield in the News – Tragic Accident in the School Holidays

At the beginning of the 20th century the school holidays in Cambridgeshire schools coincided with the period of harvest time, and many local pupils were employed to help bring it in. Percy Barnard was eleven in August 1918 when local farmer Mr. Watson employed him to lead the horses in one of his fields. Percy was leading a horse and cart loaded with corn down a slope when the horse bolted, and the cart seemingly ran over the boy. Dr. Young of Harston was summoned to the boy’s house immediately, but found no evidence of external injury. Sadly Percy had suffered severe internal injuries, and died the next day. A witness thought that the horse rather than the cart had inflicted the damage, and tragically the boy died the next day.

The coroner’s jury recorded a verdict of accidental death, with no blame attaching to anyone.

Pub Quiz Friday 7th August

Little Rose Opening Hours

Little Rose Opening Hours

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place on Friday 7th August. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The date of the quiz has been switched to the first Friday of every month due to popular demand!

For more details on the pub, click Read More…

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Cricket Club Lose

Haslingfield Cricket Club

Haslingfield Cricket Club

Match 12 Haslingfield Away at Linton: opportunity lost as Haslingfield lost by 60 runs? Three more debutantes welcomed this week; Dave Gerring, Kevin and Josh Bacon. This Saturday 25th July sees Haslingfield at home to Madingley on the village Rec with a 1.30pm start.

For full match details click on Read More…

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Another Win for the Cricket Team

Haslingfield Cricket Club

Haslingfield Cricket Club

Match 11: perfect setting; the manicured grounds of Queens’ & Robinson, bathed in July sunshine sets the scene for this bottom of the table clash of Camden against Haslingfield. Haslingfield had eleven men again, with two newcomers Joel and Tony Ratnasothy.

For match details, click on Read More…

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This Sunday: Lets Help Beat the Big C!

Dave's Charity Night

Dave’s Charity Night

An afternoon of family time, fun times and fund raising at the Little Rose Pub this Sunday 19th July from 3pm.

Supporting local paramedic Dave King on two jolly long bike rides to raise money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and Break Through Breast Cancer!

Click Read More for more details…

How to get involved in the Little Theatre November panto

HLT LOGO (2) jpgWe are delighted to announce that our November show will be the panto, Mother Goose, which we will be performing on Thursday, 26 November, Friday, 27 November, and Saturday 28 November. We will be reading through the script next Thursday, 16 July, with auditions the following Thursday, 23 July, both events taking place at 8.00 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall…. Read more

Cricket Team Beats Second in the Table

Haslingfield Cricket Club

Haslingfield Cricket Club

This Saturday (4th July) saw Match 10 for Haslingfield Cricket Club. Playing at home on the village Rec in absolutely glorious weather and for only the second time this season (abandoned match excepted) they had eleven men. But what a game to watch, with Haslingfield ending up winners by just 3 runs against Cambourne, who were second in the table! For full match details, click on ‘Read More’ below:-

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Village Summer Fun Day (2)Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Sunday 5 July, from noon onwards, the Village Summer Fun Day will be held in Haslingfield Village Hall and Recreation Ground. There will be Sports, Live Music, a Dance Workshop, BBQ, Bar and more. Ticket price will be £2.50, to include a burger or hot dog. Proceeds will go to Little Owls Preschool and the Tennis Club. The day will officially finish at 4pm but people can stay longer if they want to. To see where to buy your tickets and more details about the day, please click Read More: Read more

3 Young Haslingfield Residents appear at the ADC Theatre This Week

Three young Haslingfield residents, Eliza Chambers, Rachael Chambers and Adam Pennington, are starring in Murder in the Red Barn, a brand new comedy musical starting tonight (Wednesday 1 July) and running until Saturday 4 July at the ADC Cambridge. They are all part of the Cambridge Youth Musical Theatre – Eliza and Rachael are also former members of Haslingfield Young Little Theatre, and Adam took the main lead in Comberton Village College’s Les Miserables. To find out more and to buy tickets, please click here: www.adctheatre.com/whats-on/musical/murder-in-the-red-barn.aspx Read more

Old Haslingfield in the News: Annual Flower Show, July 1909

Every year, at the beginning of the last century, an annual flower show was held involving the villages of Great and Little Eversden, Harlton, Kingston, Comberton and Haslingfield (no Harston!). In July 1909 it was Haslingfield’s turn to host, and the show was held on Mrs. Wallis’ land. It was a splendid affair, with swing boats and roundabouts, a bowls tournament and a cricket match, where Haslingfield beat Comberton by 50 runs…. Read more

THIS FRIDAY – Strawberry Fayre – Methodist Church

Strawberry Fayre 2015This Friday 3 July from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm the Annual Strawberry Fayre will take place at Haslingfield Methodist Church. As well as a buffet and barbecue, there will be stalls selling cakes, plants, produce and good quality used books. A representative from Guide Dogs for the Blind will be there with a puppy in training and she will have lots of small items to buy and a “Guess the name of the Guide Dog”. The proceeds will go to Guide Dogs for the Blind, Little Owls Preschool and the Methodist Church.