Village Society – Bakehouse Opening

IMG_1555Saturday 14 May

The historic bake house on Well House Meadow will be open for viewing between 10.00 am and 12 noon, including an opportunity to browse a selection of photographs and documents from the Stringer Archive.
For other opening dates Go To

Haslingfield Crime Prevention – What you need to know!


CaptureDear Residents,

Please come along and meet Teresa Harrold, Village NHW Co-ordinator, some of our Street Co-ordinators and our speakers. Hear from our speakers how we can protect Haslingfield our community, our property and ourselves from crime.

There will be the opportunity to purchase SmartWater property coding kits for a reduced price of £10, plus shed and window alarms at cost price.

Offender(s) have broken a statue in All Saints Church

eCops logoCriminal damage occurred between the 10/04 and 24/04 whereby unknown offender(s) have broken a statue in All Saints Church in Haslingfield, CF01067640416
If you have any information that may help Police with this investigation please call 101 and quote the reference number above,
Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111

See Cambridge Evening News Article

New Tennis Courts Opening Event – 22nd May

Tennis-Club-Logo1-150x150You have probably noticed a lot of work has been carried out on the tennis courts over the past few months. We have built an extra court to allow more people to play tennis, and installed floodlights on two of them so that anyone who wants to, can continue to play tennis throughout the year. The work is now almost finished and the Tennis Club invites everyone to a Grand Opening Event on Sunday 22nd May. Read more

Pub Quiz this Friday 6th May

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place this Friday 6th May. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The quiz takes place on the first Friday of every month. We always have a good number of teams taking part each month.

Bank Holiday Shop Opening Hours

Village Shop

Village Shop

This May Day Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd May, the Village Shop is open Sunday Opening Hours, namely 8am to 4pm. The Post Office will be closed. The opening times for the rest of the weekend are as normal, namely:-

Saturday:    8.00 am – 6.00 pm
Sunday:   8.00 am – 4.00 pm

With the post office open on Saturday 9am – 12.30pm and closed on Sunday.