Parish Council Elections

Parish Councils will hold elections this year on 3rd May.  Parish and district council elections will now occur every four years simultaneously. The Election Timetable is here.  If you would like to stand for election or would like further information please contact the Clerk for a nomination pack at:

Frances Laville, 32 High Street, Great Eversden, Cambridge CB23 1HW – Tel: 01223 264360 or email:

Rogue Trader Guidance and Advice

We have received a few reports of rogue trading over the last few days in the villages of Haslingfield and Bassingbourn Cum Kneesworth. Please see the below advice and guidance on the topic. 

A Reminder about Rogue Traders, Cold-Callers, and Other Uninvited Callers
Police frequently receive calls reporting cold-callers and doorstep sellers, asking for advice on how to deal with them. See here for more details: Rogue Trader Guidance and Advice

Criminal damage – Porkers Lane

01/02/2018- 13/02/2018 Porkers Lane, Haslingfield CF0084750218 Criminal damage. Offender(s) have damaged a communal structure.

 If you have any information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.  PCSO 7156 Samuel Kennedy


Burglary Crime Prevention and what to look out for

By taking simple preventative measures you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of burglary:-
ALARMS: One of the most effective deterrents is to install a burglar alarm. Ensure it is set every time you leave the house. 
SECURE ENTRY POINTS: Don’t leave any windows or doors unlocked or ajar as these can be easy access points for a burglar.
IF YOU ARE GOING AWAY: make your home look lived in, ask your neighbours to keep an eye out and install timer lights. You are at much less risk of being the next victim if burglars think you are at home. 

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