World War I in Haslingfield and Cambridge

This month’s posting is in the form of a request. On November 11th 2014 the Village Society, in collaboration with the Little Theatre, is presenting an evening about World War I and its impact on the local community. The first part will look at the experiences of those soldiers recruited locally. The second will focus more on the resilience and humour demonstrated during such a dreadful time, and will present songs, readings and newspaper reports of the time.

If you have any family stories going back to World War I, whether related to service at the front or at home, I would be delighted to hear from you. I can be contacted at and on 01223 514849.

Best wishes for the New Year.

John Beresford.

Village Archivist.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG 111 Service

Important information

A 111 service will be launched in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough from this week. The service will be launched in Cambridgeshire, not including Peterborough, on 12 November from mid-morning. The service will then be launched in the Peterborough area on 28 November Read more

Connecting Cambridgeshire : Haslingfield

Many premises in Haslingfield are included in the Connecting Cambridgeshire programme. This means that, by the end of 2015, there will be improvements to the broadband infrastructure that will enable many homes and businesses to receive superfast broadband speeds (minimum 24Mbps)* while others will be able to receive fibre broadband speeds of between 2Mbps and 24 Mbps

Read more

Bonfire Night in Haslingfield – 2 November

Bonfire Night 2013Haslingfield and Barton Scout Group and Little Owls Pre-school invite you to their Bonfire and Fireworks on Saturday 2nd November at Wellhouse Meadow, Haslingfield.  Starts at 6 pm.

A variety of hot food, cakes and drinks will be served throughout the evening. Tickets are on sale in the Village Shop, Country Kitchen and at Little Owls Pre-School.  Tickets are £4 and under 5’s are free.

Harston Surgery Patients – Annual ‘Flu Clinic

Later on this month, the Harston Surgery Patients Annual ‘Flu Clinic will take place – details as follows:

Venue:     Haslingfield Methodist Church
Date    :     Tuesday 29th October
Time   :      11.15 am – 12.15 pm

If you are eligible, please sign the form in Haslingfield Village Shop – click here  for details on eligibility: criteria for flu vac 2013Please note that children aged 2-3yrs have been included for the first time, this year.

Pub Under New Management

The Little Rose Pub is now under temporary new management. The pub is now open from 5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and from noon on Saturdays and Sundays. It has also restarted showing sports on the TV. There are also plans for it to start offering food soon. More details as and when we get it.