Easter Activities at the Methodist Church

Maundy Thursday Service at 7.30pm led by Revd Dr Michael Wilson
Good Friday Service at 10.00am led by Revd Alison Walker
Easter Sunday Activities
6.00am Early Morning Service on Barrington Hill with the Parish Church
8.00-9.30am Full cooked breakfast.  Everyone welcome.
10.00am Easter Day Communion Service led by Revd Alison Walker
No evening service

Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt

Easter breakfast & egg hunt poster 2017

Easter breakfast & egg hunt poster 2017

The best way to start the day is on an egg, according to some! This weekend, on Easter Sunday, a full breakfast is available from 8am until 9.15am at the Methodist Church with an Easter Egg Hunt starting at 9am. All the money raised will go to the East Africa Crisis Appeal.

This Tuesday Pop Up Coffee Shop

Pop Up Coffee Shop

Pop Up Coffee Shop

The next Pop Up Coffee shop is this Tuesday 11th April, 8:45 – 11:30am, in aid of The Feeding Project, Vellore India.

This is run by a charity that works with the poorest people in India.  It offers hot food to elders, who would otherwise go hungry.

The Pop Up Shop takes place at the Methodist Church from 8:45- 11:30am.  Come & enjoy cakes, croissants, filter coffee & tea (fair trade of course) and help raise funds for The Feeding Project, Vellore.

All Saints’ Nave Roof Repair

You will be pleased to know that the Nave Roof has finally been completed. After a much delayed start, with problems of all descriptions, we now have a beautiful new Cumbrian slate roof. The slates vary in length up the slope and also in width. As the tiler said, ‘It is like playing chess to lay a roof like this’.  But to see the completed roof is to see a work of art, which is a real joy, and of which we can all be very proud. It also means of course that All Saints’ remains open as a place of worship and peace for the whole of the village community for years to come, and we can remain dry while using it!  

Read more

Pop Up Coffee Shop This Tuesday

The next pop up coffee shop at the Methodist Church is this Tuesday 14th March 8:45- 11:30am.  Come & enjoy cakes, croissants, filter coffee & tea (fair trade of course) and help raise funds for charity.  This marks the 1 year anniversary of the pop up coffee shop- thank you for helping to raise over £1500 for local & international charities.

Rev Alison Walker
Castle Street, Cambridge and Haslingfield Methodist Churches, Cambridge

Music in All Saints’ Church

Advance notice:

Saturday 25th March, Haslingfield Choir & Orchestra, Bach’s St John Passion.
Saturday 8 April, Richard Gowers, Senior Organ Scholar, King’s College.
Saturday 13 May, SongCycle, the all cycling/all singing male voice quartet.

All Saints’ Coffee Morning

There will be a Coffee and Cakes morning at All Saints’, Haslingfield from 10-12 on Saturday 11 February.   Do drop in for a chat, coffee and of course cakes; all proceeds to the Church Restoration Fund.

Merle Barton/José Hopkins