Haslingfield Parish Church Gift Day

Saturday 2nd November, 10am – 2 pm


On Sunday the 3rd November we celebrate again our medieval parish church’s dedication to ‘All the Saints’. It reminds us that our church has stood proud and strong at the heart of our village through storms, wars, village festivals, in both sad and happy times, since 1352. Like all old buildings it needs on-going repair and updating for this new century. It needs the support of local ‘saints’ such as yourselves. Read more

Service of Prayer & Reflection

 candleA service for Haslingfield, Harston and The Eversdens to remember loved ones who have died will take place in Harlton Parish Church on Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm.  During the service there will be an opportunity to hear the names of people you have loved who have passed away.   There will also be a time for candles to be lit to remember those people, followed by a period of quiet reflection.   All are welcome to this service.

Read more

Children’s Sunday Club

P1030293The Children’s Sunday Club is held at All Saints  Church on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 9.30am, whilst the main service is taking place. The children move to the vestry (recently refurbished) after the first hymn, where they listen to a Bible story, do a craft activity and learn a song. They re-join the service shortly before it ends.   Read more

Harston Surgery Patients – Annual ‘Flu Clinic

Later on this month, the Harston Surgery Patients Annual ‘Flu Clinic will take place – details as follows:

Venue:     Haslingfield Methodist Church
Date    :     Tuesday 29th October
Time   :      11.15 am – 12.15 pm

If you are eligible, please sign the form in Haslingfield Village Shop – click here  for details on eligibility: criteria for flu vac 2013Please note that children aged 2-3yrs have been included for the first time, this year.

Music in Quiet Places

She’ Koyokh,koyhok

Britain’s best klezmer and Balkan music band, will be playing in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield, on Friday 8 November at 7.30 pm.
Tickets £13, £11 concessions, £6 children,  from Cambridge Corn Exchange Box Office, 01223 357851,  2 Wheeler St., Cambridge CB2 3QB; online:  www.cambridgesummermusic.com ,  or from the Village Shop in Haslingfield. Read more


Bake House Firing

IMG_1555As part of ALL SAINTS Fete we are firing up the Bakehouse starting at 11.00am on 14th September to make some real bread.  If you’d like to join us and try your hand at baking then bring your dough, cake or scone mix (with cream and jam of course) to the Bakehouse in Wellhouse Meadow at about 12.30.

There’s nothing better than really fresh baked fare!      Hope to see you there!

Any questions call Roger on 870100

Haslingfield Church Fete

fete2009 019When?        Saturday 14 September, 2.30 pm – 5.00 pm.
Where?      Old Vicarage garden – next to the churchyard.
Why?          To enjoy a great afternoon!

Teas, stalls, games,  books, bric-a-brac, brass band, entertainer – all the fun of a traditional village fete.   Read more

New Minister at Methodist Church

Revd Alison WalkerOn the 1st September 2013 we shall welcome Revd Alison Walker as our new Minister at Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Our Student Minister, Revd Catherine Dixon is moving to be responsible for three churches in and around Kings Lynn.
Alison and her husband, Robin, will be living in Haslingfield.  Alison has been a Mission Partner in a Methodist Church in Florence, Italy, for the past 4 years;  a letter of introduction from her can be found on www.haslingfieldmethodistchurch.org.uk . Read more

Sponsored Walk from Cambridge


 All Saints’ Haslingfield has a fine memorial window to its missionary Bishop, Charles Mackenzie, who prior to his going out to Africa to help combat the slave trade and to help establish the church in what is now Malawi, walked out from Cambridge to Haslingfield on Sundays to help with services in the church.    The full story of his life can be found in the display inside the church, but there is now a link between Haslingfield and Magomero, the place where he established a base in 1861.   The Church in Haslingfield together with other parishes in the Mare Way Group has helped with renovation of the school buildings, and most recently with materials for the construction of a church building, which is nearly complete. Read more