Having Problems Reading?

A pair of spectacles were left in the Methodist Church weeks ago and haven’t been claimed. If they are yours, and you couldn’t remember where you had left them, please phone Christine on 870227 and she will re-unite you with them!!

Oasis 2015

oasisOasis Holiday at Home for Seniors is to be held again this year at the Methodist Church, Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th July.  As before there will be a full range of activities and interests, so please spread the word and make a note in your diaries.  Watch this space for further information.
Contacts Rev Becca 817805 & Rev Judy 262072

July Sax Jazz Concert

jazz quartetClick ‘Read More’ to see the poster for our next concert on 18 July.  Proceeds after
expenses will be given to MACS (Malawi Association for Christian
Support) to help towards building a new teacher’s house at Magomero in Malawi, a village with which All Saints’ Church Church has a link. Read more

‘SongCycle’ Concert

SongCycleDon’t miss this concert by the unique ‘SongCycle’ all singing, all cycling male voice quartet.  7.30pm in All Saints Church, Haslingfield on Saturday 9th May, 2015. Music from Bach to the Beatles and Billy Joel. Tickets: £10.00 (incl. interval refreshments) from The Village shop or at the door.
Enquiries: José Hopkins, 01223 872190  Read more

Women’s World Day of Prayer

Haslingfield Methodist ChurchEcumenical Service at Haslingfield Methodist Church, Friday 6 March at 6.30 am.  The service has been written by women of the Bahamas.  Everyone is invited to join us, including the men!
Refreshments will follow the service