
oasisOasis Holiday at Home for Seniors will once again be held in the Methodist Church, from Tuesday 26 July to Thursday 28 July, between 9.45 am & 2.30 pm.  We are offering a mixture of craft activities, quizzes, music and games, all in a relaxed holiday setting, ending with lunch each day.  Details and application forms can be found in the village churches, or from David Lewis, 874029, david@hmlewis.freeserve.co.uk

In the Steps of the Bishop


The 8th Annual sponsored walk ‘In the steps of the Bishop’ will take place on Saturday 24th September.   Starting from Gonville & Caius College Chapel at 10.30 am, the Walk will finish at All Saints’ Haslingfield where refreshments will be awaiting tired and hungry walkers.   The walk commemorates one taken by Bishop Charles Mackenzie when he was assisting the Vicar at Haslingfield before he left for Africa in 1855. Read more

Vandalism at the Parish Church

image001One of the kneeling figures in the Wendy monument in the south east corner of the Chancel of Haslingfield Church has been badly damaged and part of it removed. It is not known when the damage occurred but if anyone saw anything suspicious looking back over the last few days, please let one of the Churchwardens, or Harold Hopkins know; or use ‘Comments’ below.
Click the picture to see the damage.


cam_quartet_queensCome and enjoy CAMSAX QUARTET and COTON HARMONIA SINGERS in concert
All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield on Saturday16 April, 7.30 pm

Admission by programme £10 – refreshments available during the interval.
Inquiries to Jose Hopkins (872190)

Coffee Morning

coffee morningAll Saints’ Coffee and Cakes

On Saturday 9th April from 10am until 12 noon, come along to All Saints’ to enjoy a cup of coffee and a friendly chat as well as a cake stall. The Church Restoration Fund will benefit from this occasion.  Offers of cakes to Merle Barton, 01223 871574.



All Saints Sunday Club Introduces:

Sunday ClubLittle Saints – our group for children from 3 years of age and KS1,  meeting in the vestry every Sunday morning during the service (apart from the the Family Service  on the first Sunday of the month)  – lots of fun, songs, stories and crafts;
Super Saints – a new group for children in KS2, meeting in Haslingfield Vicarage at the same times for more fun, bible study and games.

Click the pic. to read the poster.

Creative Advent at All Saints’

 creative adventAs we make our way toward Christmas, join us on Monday mornings at Haslingfield Vicarage between 10.30am-12pm,  starting Mon 30th November when we will pause amidst the busyness of the season and create something special for Christmas.

From 10.30-11.30 am, Gather & Create – Advent Calendars, Christmas baking & Gifts.

 11.30am, Connect – Pause for a cuppa and a short reflection on Christmas. Read more



All of the Victorian Pews in Haslingfield Church are now for Sale.  We have been advised by Auctioneers that the estimate the value of the pews is between £50 and £100.  Sealed Bids are invited, which will be opened on 17th October 2015 for Haslingfield Village and  Surrounding Area, following which bidding will be opened up to all.  At each stage the Highest Bids for a particular pew will be considered first and then the remaining pews will be offered to Bidders to choose from in the order of the size of their bid.  Click the Pic to see a description of the pews for sale. (The older ‘medieval’ pews are to be retained) Read more

Bach and Beyond

robin walkerOrgan recital by Robin Walker

 Works by Bach, Schumann, Brahms & Mendelsson

 All Saints’ Church Haslingfield, Friday 16th October 2015, 7.30 pm
Admission by Programme £10 on the door.  Interval refreshments.  Enquiries 01223 872190 

All Saints’ Church Haslingfield


All Saints’ are delighted to announce that we will soon be installing new comfortable and warm chairs in the Nave of the church to replace all our Victorian pews.  The 21 medieval pews, 3 ceremonial medieval chairs and 9 Victorian children’s pews that are in the church will be retained. Ten of the longest pews will be lovingly shortened and restored to match the short ones already in the aisles. Read more

We Had A Fabulous Time

oasisOASIS, the holiday at home for seniors, met again on 28, 29 and 30 July.  About 50 people came this year and it was great fun.  We had feature talks and quizzes, and each day ended with a tasty lunch.  Activities included solving mysteries a la Sherlock Holmes, singing, painting, craft making (some fine wooden boxes), poetry, meditating, chairobics, enjoying the Sayers’ model railway in their back garden – and a highlight:  baking scones in the Wellhouse Meadow  Bakery. Read more

Oasis 2015

oasisOasis Holiday at Home for Seniors is to be held again this year at the Methodist Church, Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th July.  As before there will be a full range of activities and interests, so please spread the word and make a note in your diaries.  Watch this space for further information.
Contacts Rev Becca 817805 & Rev Judy 262072