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Flu Vaccination – Wednesday 24th October

Unfortunately the surgery has not received enough vaccine and anyone aged between 65 and 75 will not be able to receive their injection tomorrow.
There are different vaccines for different ages.

The new clinic for these people will probably be in November and will advise shortly.

Flu Vaccination – Wednesday 24th October

The ‘Flu vaccination clinic’ for Harston surgery patients will be held in the Methodist Church on Wednesday 24th October 2018 from 11:15 – 12:30pm AND NOT ON TUESDAY AS WAS INCORRECTLY PUBLISHED IN CHURCH AND VILLAGE.

Traffic Calming Scheme – Barton Road

We have been advised by the Project Engineer, Highways Service, Cambridgeshire County Council that the traffic scheme agreed for Barton Road will be installed week commencing Monday 15th October 2018. The work will take roughly four days to complete.
Jenny Jullien – Chairman, Haslingfield Parish Council                     5th October 2018

‘Flu Vaccination Clinic – Harston Surgery

The ‘Flu vaccination clinic’ for Harston surgery patients on will be held in the Methodist Church on Wednesday 24th October 2018 from 11:15 – 12:30pm. Forms are available at the Village Shop. Please sign up before 20th October.

We need you to be a Parish Councillor!

Do YOU want to make a real difference and get involved in the important issues in the village such as environment, playground and skatepark, speeding on Barton road, parking near the school, buildings and planning regulation and many other issues then become a Haslingfield Parish Councillor.
The Haslingfield Parish Council meets on the second Monday of each month at 19:30 in the Village Hall. If you are interested in becoming involved with running the parish and contributing to decision making which affects YOUR village please contact the Parish Clerk, Vicky Crowden on 07495 435029, email: Vicky Crowden or attend one of the monthly meetings and get a feeling as to what is involved. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

We now only have 5 councillors (out of a compliment of 11) and are in real danger of becoming part of Harston parish if we cannot attract more councillors! With little time spent you can make a real difference!