Author Archive

Access to Trumpington Estate

I just wanted to give you all an update on the above – the work on the road is progressing well, however unfortunately it is not likely to be completed by next Monday, 13th April as we had hoped.  Therefore it is with regret that access through the Estate remains withdrawn until the following Monday, 20th April by which time we will have completed the works and the road will be safe to use once more.  Read more

Trumpington Farm Road Closure

This is to let you know that access through the Estate will be totally CLOSED to all traffic from next Monday, 30 March until Monday, 13 April. There will be no access whatsoever during this time. We have planned the work to coincide with Easter and the school holidays thereby hopefully causing minimum disruption. Read more

Waterboard’ Hoax Burglary Series – South Cambs 20/02/2015

Please be aware there have been a number of burglaries and attempted distraction burglaries that are believed to be linked.
A burglary was reported between 15:50 – 16:00hrs 18/02/2015 at Church Street, Haslingfield. A witness saw four males leaving the property they were described as tanned possible Eastern Mediterranean, one male was waiting in a vehicle nearby. He was described as unshaven, with dark hair, wearing a peaked cap. All the males wore fluorescent jackets. Read more

Innovation and Leadership – the convergence of Creativity and Science

In Sir Ken Robinson’s interview for the first of BBC Radio 4’s The Educators series, he lamented that schools are inadvertently crushing creativity with a narrow curriculum which favours a ‘particular type of intelligence’ and league tables which can be likened to the Eurovision Song Contest of education. Who better to talk about creativity? Sir Ken’s book ‘Out of Our Minds’ is an inspiring read about learning to be creative and his TED Talks receive more hits on YouTube than Bill Gates’ or Bono’s. Read more

Haslingfield Choir and Orchestra

All Saints Church,  Haslingfield, Saturday,  December 6th 2014, 7.30pm

 HANDEL, My Heart is Inditing
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, Fantasia on Christmas Carols
CHARPENTIER, Messe de Minuit pour Noel

Leader – Frances Poole, Conductor – Graham Walker
Tickets £10, £5 (students), children free, from Village Shop and at door, Enquiries: Kate Dickens 872088 

Writing Circles

Writing Circles, led by Melissa Fu, will meet at Harlton Village Hall on Thursday mornings from 9.30-11.30 for six weeks, from 11 Sept to 23 Oct (no meeting 25 Sept).   Curious?  Try a free writing workshop on 23 Aug to get a taste of what a Writing Circle would be like.  Harlton Village Hall, 13.30 – 15.00 and 16.00-17.30. Booking and more information at

Connecting Cambridgeshire : Haslingfield

Many premises in Haslingfield are included in the Connecting Cambridgeshire programme. This means that, by the end of 2015, there will be improvements to the broadband infrastructure that will enable many homes and businesses to receive superfast broadband speeds (minimum 24Mbps)* while others will be able to receive fibre broadband speeds of between 2Mbps and 24 Mbps

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Break-ins on the High Street 16-17th July.

For all you Haslingfield residents, there were two break-ins to garages on the High Street late on Tuesday 16th July to early on 17th July when bicycles and a motor bike were taken – if you noticed anything please contact the police.

Explosion heard over Haslingfield this morning

I (along with a load of other people no doubt) heard a really loud explosion followed by jet plane noises in the sky this morning. I looked at my watch and it said 11.33 am. I guessed the explosion might be related to the jet plane. I just checked on the internet and found this explanation. Looks like we are still living in the 9-11 era.