Cambs County Councillor’s & South Cambs District Councillor’s Annual Report to Parish Councils

Attached is the annual report from Cambs County Councillors to Parish Councils. Our County Councillors are due to come along to the Annual Parish Meeting on this Monday at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. CCC Updated annual PC report 2018- 2019


Also attached is the annual report from South Cambs District Councillors. Our District Councillor is also due to come along to the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 20th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Haslingfield PC District Cllr Report May 19

Interested in Organ Playing?

Organ Experience Day in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield
Saturday 18 May between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm.  If you would like to know more about playing an organ, how one works, hear it for yourself, or would just like to have a go, do come along.  There will even be a story for children, illustrated on the organ. 

This will also be an opportunity to meet Robin Walker and Friends

Refreshments available

Haslingfield Little Theatre Best Play Award

Haslingfield Little Theatre are delighted to announce that they have just won the NODA Best Play Award for RolePlay, their May 2018 production. They were up against around 60 other drama groups in the region (NODA East – District Four South), so are very proud of this achievement.

The news has come just as they are preparing for this year’s May production, Stepping Out – The Musical, which is on from Thursday to Saturday this week (16, 17, 18 May) at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. Tickets at:

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Bake House Opening

The Bake House on Well House Meadow will be open for viewing on Saturday May 11 from 10.00 to 12.00, including a selection of photographs and historic documents from the Village Archive.  Everyone welcome, no charge!

If you miss this opportunity the bake house will be open again on July 13 and September 14.

Invitation to Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 20th May 2019 at 7.30pm.

An Invitation to the Annual Parish Meeting 2019
Monday 20th May 2019 at 7.30pm – Haslingfield Village Hall 

This is your once-a-year chance to come and find out what the Parish Council has been doing in your name and help influence future plans.
We’ve invited our County and District Councillors and all parishioners are warmly invited to attend. We welcome questions and suggestions on any subject relevant to the community.

Topics will include:

  • Chair’s Report on activities in 2018/19 and priorities next year
  • Moveable Vehicle Activated Sign (MVAS) – results so far
  • East West Cambs Rail initiative and its impact for Haslingfield
  • Village Hall extension project
  • The £2000 bequest of the late Mrs Phillipson to Haslingfield Pavilion Committee

We aim to finish not later than 9:30 pm. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served during the evening by Little Owls (with voluntary donations to their funds).

Jenny Jullien
Chair – Haslingfield Parish Council

Film Club

The Next Film Club meeting will be held on Friday 10th May 2019 at 7.30pm and will show a comedy based (loosely) on a true story.  Certificate:12, running time 90 min. 

We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms, admission free.  We break for tea, coffee and biscuits half way through.  ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used. Read more

Alpha Course

Just a reminder – the Alpha Supper is this coming Tuesday 7th May at Haslingfield Vicarage at 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome to join us as we take the opportunity to explore questions of faith over the coming 6 weeks.

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