Film Club, 6th September

Welcome to a new session of Film Club.  Normally we hold the club on the second Friday of the month, however, there is a clash of dates in September so the first Film Club meeting will be on 6th September 2109 at 7.30pm. We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.    Film is Certificate 12, running time 107min. and ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used.  Admission is free and we break for tea, coffee and biscuits half way through. Read more

Bake House Opening

The historic bake house on Well House Meadow will be open on Saturday morning, 14 September, between 10am and 12 noon.  A selection of old photographs and documents will also be on display, giving a fascinating view of Haslingfield over the years.  Bring a thermos and stay for a chat!

Rita Phillipson – Interment of ashes

On Friday 30th August 2019 at 10:30am, Rita’s ashes will be placed in the ground at the same spot as her husband, John, in the churchyard of All Saints’ Church in Haslingfield. Anyone who knew her is very welcome to attend.
Rita lived in Trinity Close and was a regular visitor to the lunch club and the folk dance club. She died on 12th July 2017 at the age of 91 years.

Do You Want To Raise Money For Your Favourite Charity?

Haslingfield Methodist ChurchThe annual Charity Fair will be held in the Methodist Church on Saturday 16th November from 11 am to 2.30 pm.
If you would like to run a stall for a charity, you are invited to apply to Christine Kipping, 1 Stearne’s Yard, before Saturday 5th October. There is limited space and we would like there to be a fair representation of registered charities selling a wide variety of goods, so be imaginative!! Read more

Haslingfield Parish Clerks

We are sorry to announce that Vicky Crowden has tendered her resignation and will be leaving us at the end of September. We have enjoyed enormously working with Vicky, but her need to spend more time with family has, and rightly so, taken precedence.
We have been very fortunate to recruit Jacqui Cressey who was one of the applicants for the post of Assistant to the Parish Clerk. Jacqui lives in the village and has done so for the last twelve years.
Our best wishes go to both Vicky and Jacqui.
Jenny Jullien

The Little Rose

The next Bingo night is on Wednesday 4th September 8pm start. All welcome!
We are looking for more people to play. 
16 years and over with cash prizes.