Help for Heroes

Rock in the Hall

Live at Haslingfield Village Centre
7.30 pm Saturday 26 March, doors open at 6.45 pm
Music by THE TABS, with special guests PLAN 17
Tickets in advance from Village Shop, Knibbs the Butcher and  Christine Tod 01223 870247
Adults £5,  Under 14’s £3
Entry on the door – Adults £6,  Under 14’s £4
Admission Free for serving members of H.M forces with M.O.D 90

Licensed Bar                  Snacks Available

All proceeds will go directly to Help for Heroes

PTFA Film Night

Film:         Diary of a Wimpy Kid (PG)
Date:          Friday 4th March, 2011
Time:        6.30pm  – 8.30pm
Venue:     School Hall, Haslingfield Primary School

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Tea at the Ritz

Big “Thank You” to Marjorie, Janet and Liz for organising another successful, and enjoyable “Tea at the Ritz”. With their team of efficient and polite waitresses and those working hard behind the scenes, they managed to pull off another memorable afternoon while raising money for village organisations.

An A-Z of Victorian Farming

is the subject of what promises to be an interesting talk by local historian Peter Ibbett on Tuesday, 15 March in Haslingfield Village Centre at 8:00 pm.  This is a subject that relates well to what went on in Haslingfield during that period of history: Green Farm, Moss Farm, Stearne’s Farm, Willow Farm, Chivers are just some of the names in Haslingfield.    Everyone receives a welcome at our meetings and events.   Members and school age free.   Small charge for non-members, tea & coffee included.

See you there.


This Monday 7 February, at 8.00 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall, we will be reading through the script for our May Production – two very funny short plays, which are comic spoofs of well-known play types, in which anything that can go wrong does go wrong!

If you’ve ever felt like taking the acting plunge, this could be your chance to take on a small but great fun challenge! Read more

HVS: History of the Cottage Garden

At 8 o’clock on Tuesday 15th February in the Village Hall Twigs Way, professional garden historian, author and broadcaster on radio and television, will talk on the History of the Cottage Garden.  Everyone is welcome at Village Society meetings, a small charge being made for adult non members – children free.

Haslingfield School and Gardening

In a 1907 inspection report, Haslingfield School was described as having an “ample garden area”. Only boys did Gardening, and there was a strong emphasis on neatness and accuracy – “measuring the distance between rows of vegetables” and “trimming the edges of plots”. Apparently there was much student interest, and early attempts at an integrated curriculum, with gardening “widely made the basis of various exercises in Arithmetic and Composition”. Read more


 On 20 & 21 May, Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing their Spring Production: Two Coarse Plays with a Two Course Meal.  The two hilarious plays are:
Trapped, which is based on a country house thriller 
Pride at Southanger Park, a romance set in Regency times

And, of course,  in true coarse acting spirit, everything that can go wrong does go wrong within both plays!

Tickets are now on sale at Haslingfield Village Shop and the Little Rose pub. They cost £12, and include a two-course meal. The audience will be grouped around tables of 8 people, so you can either buy tickets for yourselves, or why not gather together some friends and book a whole table for what promises to be a very entertaining evening!