Summer Holiday Play Scheme at Orwell

Petersfield schools holiday club (Puffins) is running a holiday scheme, for children above 3 on:  Monday 25th July to Wednesday 28th July, Monday 1st August to Wednesday 3rd August and Monday 8th August to Wednesday 10th August.Puffins is run by highly qualified and experienced staff. Facilities are based within Petersfield School (Orwell) and include access to school playing field, fully equipped kitchen, numerous toys and equipment. Read more

The Haslingfield Hunt (Geocaching)

For those of you that have not tried it there is a fun “geocaching” route called the Haslingfield Hunt. If don’t know what geocaching is follow this link for an explanation. It has been there since 2007, but we successfully completed it a couple of weeks ago. We heard about it from friends and thought it would be an idea to advertise it on the site so more local  people know about it. You need a hand held GPS, a note pad and paper and to be able to walk about a mile or so on good paths. All the stages are quite close to each other so if your calculation takes you a hundred miles away you must have got the numbers wrong! It starts by the village sign and more details can be found here.

Strawberry Fayre

A Strawberry Fayre for the whole village will be held on
Friday 8th July beginning at 5.30pm in
Haslingfield Methodist Church grounds

(just off the Village Green).
There will be a BBQ,
Strawberries & Cream,
Games, Stalls and a Raffle
Proceeds for Motor Neurone Disease & Standing Start (Sawston)

Mike & Margaret Wilson’s Farewell Service

Mike Wilson

Revd Dr Mike Wilson will be retiring from his ministry at Haslingfield Methodist Church and as Superintendent Minister in the Cambridge Methodist Circuit at the end of July 2011.  See Mike’s latest Minister’s Letter under the Faith section of the toolbar.  Mike and Margaret will be moving from Haslingfield to live in Sawston. 
 There will be a:
 Farewell and Thank You service at
Haslingfield Parish Church on
Sunday 10th July at 6.30pm.

This will be followed by refreshments at Haslingfield Methodist Church.  If you like to sing – this is the service for you.  Everyone welcome.

Haslingfield Head Teachers, 1875-1975

Below is a list of Head Teachers at the local school between 1875 and 1975.The list is interesting in a number of ways:
*There was a woman head for barely five years of the 100 covered;
*There was clearly a difficulty at the end of the First World War in filling the post. Between Messrs. Royston and Laxton there were ten heads.This must have been something to do with the lack of male recruits into the teaching profession during wartime; *Miss Ling, who is the subject of a dramatic reading at the Village society in February 2012, served under fourteen different heads in her school career, which stretched from 1917 to 1963. Read more

Cambridge Open Studios in Haslingfield

This summer, Cambridge Open Studios will take place on the first four weekends of July. Haslingfield has one artist exhibiting this year – Terry Baker. Her studio and garden will be open from 11.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. on the weekends 16/17 July and 23/24 July. She will be showing many of the mosaic pieces she has made over the past 12 years, including the table-top map of Haslingfield that you can see on the masthead of this website. Read more

Summer Fair

Event:      Summer Fair

Venue:    Haslingfield Primary School

Date:        Saturday, 25th June, 2011

Time:       2pm – 5pm

Come and join us at our Summer Fair! Read more

The Summer Football Tournament 2011

A big local schools football tournament featuring 16 schools from the area including Coton, Hardwick, Comberton and Foxton.  Come along and support the event!

Location : Hardwick Recreation Ground
Date: 6 July
Time: 01:00 PM – 05:00 PM

Suspicious Vehicle

The following is an extract from a message received from a NHW Co-ordinator in Bourn. If you see this or any other vehicle acting in similar circumstances we would like to hear from you. If you are seeing this type of activity happening a 999 call is appropriate. Read more