Cream Teas for Parkinson’s UK

Cream Tea Thank you to everyone who came along to Cream Tea at the Dovecote in Haslingfield earlier this month. A wonderful £810 was raised for Parkinson’s UK. We hope you all had a lovely afternoon!


Bake House Firing

IMG_1555As part of ALL SAINTS Fete we are firing up the Bakehouse starting at 11.00am on 14th September to make some real bread.  If you’d like to join us and try your hand at baking then bring your dough, cake or scone mix (with cream and jam of course) to the Bakehouse in Wellhouse Meadow at about 12.30.

There’s nothing better than really fresh baked fare!      Hope to see you there!

Any questions call Roger on 870100

Haslingfield Church Fete

fete2009 019When?        Saturday 14 September, 2.30 pm – 5.00 pm.
Where?      Old Vicarage garden – next to the churchyard.
Why?          To enjoy a great afternoon!

Teas, stalls, games,  books, bric-a-brac, brass band, entertainer – all the fun of a traditional village fete.   Read more

Village Post Office Closure?

P1030564It’s good to report that recent concerns about potential closure of the local post office have gone away for the time being.     A Village Resident wrote about the problem to MP Andrew Lansley and this is the gist of his reply. “I am writing to advise that further to my letter dated 7th June, I have now received a response from the Post Office Ltd to the enquiry I made on your behalf regarding any changes to Haslingfield Post Office.  The Post Office have advised that they are not currently aware of any plans to change the way that Haslingfield Post Office is operated. They have offered their assurances that the local community would be notified if there were any plans to change this.  Post Office Ltd have also informed me that changes through the national three year investment programme are being implemented on a voluntary basis and consequently, no subpostmaster would be forced to convert to a new operating model unless they wished to do so”.   Many thanks to ‘Village Resident’


movie cameraThe next  Film Club season will begin on Friday 6th September 2013 at 7.30pm in Haslingfield Methodist Church. Admission is free.
For copyright reasons we cannot advertise the name of the film but we can tell friends. If you or friends have would like to be included in the circulation emails, please let me know. 

Bake-house Opening

IMG_1555It’s the last chance for this year.  Come and see how the ancestors lived and browse the village archives of old documents and pictures.  The 19th century Bake-house on Well House Meadow will be open between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon on Saturday 7th September.  Bring a flask, join the gathering and brush up on your village history.

Haslingfield Primary School – Costume and Prop Box

Haslingfield Primary School are trying to get a costume &  prop box together for our many school productions that we put on over the years and are looking for donations.

If you think you have anything suitable that we could use then please do not hesitate to drop it off in the school office, or call Andrea on 01223 870243.

World War I

As we approach the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, it is worth reflecting on the devastating effect it had on the home front, on families like the Goodes and villages like Haslingfield. Read more