Pub Quiz This Friday 3rd July

Little Rose Opening Hours

Little Rose Opening Hours

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place this Friday 3rd July. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The date of the quiz has been switched to the first Friday of every month due to popular demand!

For more details on the pub, click Read More…

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Village Summer Fun Day – Sunday 5th July – Noon

Village Summer Fun Day (2)On Sunday 5th July, from noon onwards, the Village Summer Fun Day will be held in Haslingfield Village Hall and Recreation Ground. There will be Sports, Live Music, a Dance Workshop, BBQ, Bar and more. Ticket price will be £2.50, to include a burger or hot dog. Proceeds will go to Little Owls Preschool and the Tennis Club. The day will officially finish at 4pm but people can stay longer if they want to. Hope you can make it! To see where to buy your tickets and more details about the day, please click Read More: Read more

Adding Comments

Do you have Something to Say about any post (article) on the website? For instance you may agree with what’s been said, disagree, or perhaps have more information to add. If so, do please add a comment to the relevant post…. Read more

Having Problems Reading?

A pair of spectacles were left in the Methodist Church weeks ago and haven’t been claimed. If they are yours, and you couldn’t remember where you had left them, please phone Christine on 870227 and she will re-unite you with them!!

Barrington Plans Approved

Cemex’s application for 220 houses on the cement factory was passed by South Cambridgeshire District Council’s planning committee yesterday morning, by 6 votes to 5.

There was a very good turnout from local residents. The committee took the arguments about the impact and sustainability of the development seriously, but in the end they gave more weight to the current shortfall in housing in the district, which is putting a lot of pressure on the council.

There is no room for appeal against the decision (except by judicial review, which is unlikely).

Old Haslingfield in the News: Exemption from Military Service, 1916

When conscription was introduced during the First World War, in 1916, those seeking exemption from military service were required to appear before local Tribunals, consisting of civilian as well as military personnel. For the inhabitants of Haslingfield, ‘local’ meant a trek to Chesterton.

The first of these cases was being heard in the summer of 1916. On June 9th Philip Watson, a local farmer of 430 acres as well as a meal dealer, was granted a conditional exemption, a Mr. Flack deeming it “a worthy case”. Read more

CamSight House-to-House Collection

100-camsight-logo-rgbDuring June, someone will call at your home and ask for your financial support for this important local charity. CamSight works with people of all ages who have visual impairment and offers them much-needed support. A rural support group meets at Haslingfield Methodist Church on the first Tuesday of each month and is attended by over 20 people.

(Please note, if you are a tax payer, your donation can be increased by 25p in each pound if you Gift Aid it. CamSight will NOT contact you and ask for future help as a result of doing this). Read more

Oasis 2015

oasisOasis Holiday at Home for Seniors is to be held again this year at the Methodist Church, Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th July.  As before there will be a full range of activities and interests, so please spread the word and make a note in your diaries.  Watch this space for further information.
Contacts Rev Becca 817805 & Rev Judy 262072

July Sax Jazz Concert

jazz quartetClick ‘Read More’ to see the poster for our next concert on 18 July.  Proceeds after
expenses will be given to MACS (Malawi Association for Christian
Support) to help towards building a new teacher’s house at Magomero in Malawi, a village with which All Saints’ Church Church has a link. Read more