Haslingfield Village Society Talk: Tuesday 17th October at 8:00 PM, Haslingfield Village Hall

Under Threat but Being Saved: The work of the Shepreth Hedgehog Hospital

The ‘common’ hedgehog is under threat from human caused changes to their natural habitat. The Hedgehog Hospital at Shepreth treats and rehabilitates hedgehogs before release back into the wild.  Their second aim is to educate people about hedgehog conservation and show how easy it is to help hedgehogs in the local environment.  Read more

Come and see what our village has to offer! Haslingfield Village Hall, April 22nd

On Saturday April 22nd fifteen local groups and organisations will be contributing to a Fair in Haslingfield Village Hall. Doors will be open between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

This will be your chance to see the variety of activities going on in Haslingfield, and perhaps to sign up and join in. Sport, entertainment, music-making, gardening and a host of other pastimes will be represented.

So if you are interested, or just curious, do pop in and see us on April 22nd.  Tea and coffee will be available.

Next Village Society Talk

Tuesday 18th February 2020

Please note that due to ongoing building work in the Village Hall, this meeting will again be held in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield at 8.00pm.  Note also that the subject has changed from previously published.

The speaker will be Professor Andrew Klein, Macintosh Professor of Anaesthesia, Royal Papworth Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, who will speak on What do you know about iron? – (a talk about iron deficiency.)

 Everyone is very welcome, Members free, visitors a small charge for coffee (or tea) and biscuits.

Bake House Opening

The historic bake house on Well House Meadow will be open on Saturday morning, 14 September, between 10am and 12 noon.  A selection of old photographs and documents will also be on display, giving a fascinating view of Haslingfield over the years.  Bring a thermos and stay for a chat!

Bake House Opening

The Bake House on Well House Meadow will be open for viewing on Saturday May 11 from 10.00 to 12.00, including a selection of photographs and historic documents from the Village Archive.  Everyone welcome, no charge!

If you miss this opportunity the bake house will be open again on July 13 and September 14.

Bake House Opening

The old bake house on Well House Meadow will be open on Saturday, 16 June , between 10.00 and 12.00 am.  Selections of photographs and documents from the village archive will be on display, and members of the Village Society will be on hand to explain the history of the bake house and the various old artifacts that are stored there.