Every Sunday evening there is a pub quiz at Hare and Hounds in Harlton. First question asked around 20:15. Fairly light-hearted, no fee to participate and just the glory when you win. Come and join the regulars and have a drink while you’re there. Everyone is welcome.
Haslingfield Young Little Theatre Play in a Week is back again after a long gap due to the pandemic. The project will take place from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm in Haslingfield Village Hall from Monday 1st August to 5th August, when the play will be performed to an audience.
This year, Play in a Week is open to all children between 8 and 11, regardless of prior drama experience. Throughout the week the participants will imagine, write, design and rehearse a play in their own words. This year Matt May, an experienced youth theatre facilitator regularly working for the National Youth Arts Trust, will be leading the week. Read more
The Haslingfield Little Theatre AGM will be taking place this Thursday, 14 July – 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. If you are interested in being involved in this vibrant amateur drama group, the AGM will provide a great opportunity to find out more, as well as the chance to chat with members, over some cheese and wine. www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk
Here are some production photos to give you a flavour of what’s in store when you come and see Haslingfield Little Theatre perform the hilarious comedy, Bedroom Farce by Alan Ayckbourn at Haslingfield Village Hall, 7.30 pm this Thursday, Friday and Saturday (19-21 May).
If you haven’t bought your tickets yet there are still some available here. To see photos, please click Read more
Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday (19-21 May) Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing the hilarious comedy, Bedroom Farce by Alan Ayckbourn at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall.
Cast and crew are looking forward to welcoming everyone to the Village Hall. And, if you’ve not bought your tickets yet, it’s not too late – there are still some available at www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk. So why not treat yourself to a great night of comedy theatre right on your doorstep!! 🙂
Haslingfield Little Theatre has been entertaining local audiences with high-quality, award-winning amateur productions for the past 33 years.Read more
In just two weeks’ time, Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing Bedroom Farce by Alan Ayckbourn for the first of three performances on 19, 20 and 21 May at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. If you intend to come and see this hilarious comedy, but have not yet bought your tickets, there are still some available at: www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk. (£12 each/£10 concessions, Thursday, Friday only).
We are about to start rehearsals for our May Production, Alan Ayckbourn’s hilarious comedy, Bedroom Farce, which we are performing on 19, 20 & 21 May at Haslingfield Village Hall.
Meanwhile, you can now see some photos of our November 2021 panto, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves on our website here. We hope you enjoy looking at them!
The Pub Quiz at the Little Rose is back! It will take place tonight (Friday 26th November) with a prompt 8pm start. Teams of any number, up to a maximum of four, can take part. Cost of entry is only £2 per per person with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. We can also make up teams from whoever turns up on the night. It’s great fun with a good number of all local teams taking part. There’s 6 rounds covering many topics including a topical quiz round as well as a picture round. The quiz finishes around 10
Little Rose
pm with a break halfway through. It’ll fully comply with current government social distancing and Covid-19 secure requirements.
Tickets are now on sale for the Haslingfield Little Theatre panto – Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves, which is being performed on 25, 26 and 27 November at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall, with a matinee performance on 27 November at 2.00 pm. You can buy your tickets at £10/£8 concessions (under 18s/65+, excluding Saturday night’s performance) at: www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk.
Please note, there will be increased ventilation in the Village Hall and audience members are requested to wear masks – thank you.
On Saturday 16th October at 3pm, Haslingfield Choir and Orchestra will be performing at All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield. The concert will include the World Premier of ‘Haslingfield Tapestry’ by Alex Paxton and will feature a combined children’s choir from Haslingfield and surrounding villages.
Admission will be by ticket only, available at Haslingfield village shop.
Haslingfield Little Theatre are delighted to be hosting the Festival Player’s Touring Show, Let the Sunshine In – Songs the World needs Right Now at Haslingfield Village Hall on Friday 1 October, 7.30 pm.
The show will comprise: An evening of vibrant and uplifting live music, taken from Broadway and West End musicals including ‘Dear Evan Hansen’, ‘& Juliet’, ‘West Side Story’ and ‘Groundhog Day’.
Tickets at £10 each are available at: www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk.
You are welcome to bring your own refreshments and glasses (no bar).
NB There will be reduced capacity in the Hall, increased ventilation and mask-wearing is requested, if possible.
Just a quick reminder that the read through and auditions for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s November Panto, Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves will be taking place soon. Both will take place at Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.30 pm: Read-through: Monday 19 July, Auditions: Monday 26 July.
Do come along, if you’re interested in being involved, either on-stage or as part of the production team. Teenagers aged 13+ are also welcome to attend.
Rehearsals will start on Thursday 2 September (dependent on prevailing Government Guidelines). We rehearse at Haslingfield Village Hall for two hours on Monday and Thursday evenings. Performances are planned for 25, 26, 27 November 2021. www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk
We are absolutely delighted to announce that we are planning to put on Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves on 25, 26, 27 November 2021 at Haslingfield Village Hall. This is, of course, dependent on prevailing Government Guidelines.
If you’re interested in being involved, the read through of the script is planned for Monday 19 July, with auditions on Monday 26 July at Haslingfield Village Hall. More details nearer the time.