Saturday, March 2nd 2024 at Haslingfield Village Hall, 8.00 pm (Doors open at 7.30 pm). NB This has changed from the original time of 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm.
A talk by Pete Spence: resident of Haslingfield, a husband and father. His day job is a project manager in the aerospace industry, buthis real passion is bread making. Pete will speak about where bread was originated and in what forms across the world throughout history. He will discuss how industrialisation changed bread for the worse. His talk will touch on bread making techniques, the gut microbiome, and how we can stand up against giant conglomerates in the food industry. Haslingfield Village Society. Tuesday, 20th February, 8.00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall
All welcome. Members and youngsters 16 and under are free. £2.50 visitors, which includes refreshments
The Village Society’s New Year’s Day Walk will start at Haslingfield Village Hall at 11.00 am tomorrow – 1 January 2024. It will be again led by Clive Blower.
Everyone is welcome – sandwiches and soup will be provided at the end.
Haslingfield Little Theatre would like to invite you to their Old Time Music Hall on 23, 24, 25 November, 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall (with a matinee on 25 November at 2.30 pm).
You can buy tickets from this Saturday, 28 October at: and at Haslingfield Village Shop at £12.50 each/ £10 concessions for under 18s and 65+ (no concessions for the Saturday evening performance). You’ll be transported back over 100 years Read more
Haslingfield Little Theatre would be delighted to welcome you to their Old Time Music Hall on 23, 24 and 25 November2023 at Haslingfield Village Hall (7.30 pm, with an additional 2.30 pm matinee on Saturday 25 November). You’ll be transported back over 100 years, to be entertained by song, dance, monologue and melodrama.
The show is suitable for everyone from 3 to 103 years and the cast will perform, in true period style, for your delight and delectation. Come along, dress up if you like and join in with all the choruses!
A Horrible History of Bells and Bellringing The talk will cover the history of bells from ancient times through to the modern day and the peculiar set of circumstances that led to the English art of change ringing.
Tom Ridgman will discuss the tensions between secular ringing, ringing for entertainment and/or money, and ringing as part of the mission of the church, particularly the activities of the Belfry Reform movement in the 1860’s that lead to the organisational structure of bell ringing today. Read more
We are looking for an actor to play a key role in our panto, Treasure Island on 23, 24 & 25 November: Jim (the Cabin Boy). Ideally aged between 17 & 24, Jim will play opposite Laura (a serving girl in the Inn owned by Jim’s mother, Dame Trott). These characters feature prominently throughout the show and Jim is not required to sing or dance.
If you, your friends, family or colleagues are interested in auditioning for this role, do please contact John Smith, the director, today on: 01223 817403 or 07722 355223 or by email at: more
Haslingfield Little Theatre will be staging the traditional family pantomime Treasure Island on 23, 24, 25 November at Haslingfield Village Hall.
Rehearsals commence on Monday, September 4 and the director is eager to fill three remaining parts to complete the cast of 30 led by Robert Louis Stevenson’s popular sea-dog Long John Silver. It is a wonderful opportunity for aspiring actors to join an award winning group and join Silver and Dame Trott on their journey to the South Seas. The roles available are:Read more
A new dancing course is starting on September 12th to either improve or maintain your fitness. This is a beginner’s course although any level can participate. Contact Bob Ridout on 07977 235803 or email: . Also let him know if you’re interested in a beginners class for children (8-13 years).
The buildings with some of the Village Archives will be open for viewing on the Saturdays of 5th and 26th August between 10 am and Noon. Come along and learn more about the history of the village or even your road. This is a free event held by the Haslingfield Village Society. We are looking forward to meeting new people and old friends.
We are delighted to announce that our next show will be the panto Treasure Island, which we will be performing on 23, 24 & 25 November at Haslingfield Village Hall. If you are interested in being involved, on stage or as part of the production team, do come along to the read-through on Thursday 13 July and/or auditions on Thursday 20 July – both at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall.
This week, Haslingfield Little Theatre have been performing their latest show, the comedy, Spirit Level by Pam Valentine. Please find some production photos below, which will give you a real flavour of the show.
UPDATE ON 19 MAY (6.55 pm): We would like to thank our audience for their amazing comments following last night’s performance, and we are delighted to have played to a full house tonight! If you would like to come to our last performance tomorrow, (Sat. 20 May, 7.30 pm, Haslingfield Village Hall), there is still ticket availability at: and Haslingfield Village Shop. Read more