Haslingfield Little Theatre’s ALICE IN WONDERLAND, THE MUSICAL – Tickets now on Sale

Alice in wonderland 2012Tickets are now available for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s November Production. You can buy them at Haslingfield Village Shop, or from Tricia on: (01223) 871490.

Dates & Times: 22, 23, and 24 Nov at 7.45 p.m. and Saturday Matinee on 24 Nov at 2.30. p.m.
Venue: Haslingfield Village Centre
Ticket price: £8 / £5 concessions (no concessions on Saturday evening).

TICKETS AVAILABLE – The Importance of Being Earnest

Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing The Importance of Being Earnest tonight, 17 May, tomorrow, 18 May and Saturday 19 May, at 7.45 p.m. at Haslingfield Village Centre. There are still some tickets available from the Village Shop – Haslingfield at £8 each / £5 concessions (no concessions Saturday).

Do come along – it’s a wonderful production!