Theft – New Road, Haslingfield

Message sent by
James Lynch (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Cambourne)

19/03 – 22/03  New Rd, Haslingfield – Theft

Shipping container which stores sporting equipment at the location address has had the combination lock smashed from the door and entrance gained and several electrical cables for the floodlighting have been stolen.

Any information please call the police on 101 Or, if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111

Environment Working Party, April 2nd

This band of positive villagers has continued to work on the Well-house Meadow. We have secured all 20 fruit trees with rabbit guards, stakes and membranes to prevent weeds. In the autumn we hope to have a permanent sign made so that villagers can identify all the trees, and maybe a new seat.  Meanwhile we have spent 4 sessions cutting the ivy on the Tudor wall, and you can now see our beautiful and historic wall in all its glory. Read more

Next Environment Working Party

Sunday the 12th March is our next environment working Party.  I will be there from 1.30.
Last time we dug in 4 new fruit trees and completed putting in stakes and weed suppressant mats around the trees.  Yesterday they were all looking good.  I hope to see as many of you as can make it on Sunday; we aim to complete the careful removal of Ivy from the Tudor wall so that we can move on to other sites in the village. Read more

Area Commanders Update – For The Record

Message sent by
James Sutherland (Police, Chief Inspector, South Cambridgeshire)

Last week we held our round of neighbourhood panel meetings and as usual there was good discussion around local policing and setting of our priorities.  Some of this was reported in the local media including the statement: “Villages are a low priority for policing in Cambridgeshire due to a lack of resources, says a chief inspector for South Cambridgeshire.”
Whilst I appreciate the importance of the press and their work in publicising crime and holding the police to account,  I also think that it is important to clarify for the record that I absolutely did not say that (nor is it attributed as a direct quote) and that is decidedly not my position.  (All other quotes are accurate) Read more

Garage break in – Cantelupe Road

Samuel Kennedy (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Cambourne)

Garage break in, Cantelupe Road, Haslingfield, committed between 00:00-07:30hrs 21/02/2017. Offender(s) have broken into a garage and stolen a pressure washer. CF0095810217 refers.

If you have any information relating to the crimes reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.


‘Crack-down’ days where parking is a problem in South Cambs villages

Message from James Sutherland (Police, Chief Inspector, South Cambridgeshire)

I’m aware from the email that I receive and from Neighbourhood Panel meetings that parking is a constant concern in many villages.  I’ve been giving some considerable thought on how we can meet your expectations on parking enforcement.  I have set up an online web-page were you can report concerns about parking.  The information that you give us will go directly to me and will help me build up a picture of the exact hot-spots for parking issues.  I will then use this information on targeted ‘crack-down’ days. I’m not pretending that this will solve all parking problems, however I do think that it strikes the right balance between dealing with parking concerns and the other important work that we do.

The web page is live right now and you can find it here:


Dwelling burglary – Chestnut Close

Message sent by
Samuel Kennedy (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Cambourne)

Dwelling burglary, Chestnut Close, Haslingfield, committed between 03/02/2017- 11/02/2017. Offender(s) have forced entry into a residential property via a side door damaging the panelling. Jewellery was stolen. CF0077020217 refers.
If you have any information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.
Thank you for your continued help & support.

Volunteers Cordially Invited

This Sunday (12th) we are going out again from 1.30, meeting at the Wellhouse gate with work to complete.
Jo Fullick has been doing sterling work on the ivy almost daily, but it is a long wall with still some more careful cutting to do.  This Sunday we have 5 new trees to plant in the community orchard – 4 fruit trees and a small oak.
Also to complete putting grass suppressing polythene around all the trees – this needs to be tucked down into grooves to prevent it flying away. Read more