Charity Coffee Morning and Sale

coffee morningWe are holding a Coffee Morning and Sale at our house, 101 New Road, 10.00am-12.30pm  on Saturday 29th March. There will be a Raffle and a Bring and Buy stall (goods welcome).

The proceeds will go to Tommy’s Stillbirth Research Fund and the Arthur Rank Hospice. Read more

Circuit-Based Fitness Class in the Village Hall

Fuel logoThis circuit based fitness class takes place every Wednesday at Haslingfield Village Hall at 6 – 7pm. Participants are encouraged to progress at their own level throughout the hour with Exercises and areas of development such as: Strength, Flexibility, Speed and Agility, Endurance, Core strength. Read more

Messy Church

This Friday 14th March at 3pm in the Methodist Church.  The theme is Brilliant Black.  Creative crafts – Refreshments – Conversation – Fun – All age – Informal Worship – All welcome – Relax – and  of course be MESSY.  No commitment, no cost.  Come and try it.

Steak Night at the Pub

For £25 you will get two steaks (8oz rump or sirloin), chips, onion rings, mushrooms and tomato plus a bottle of wine on Steak Night. It takes place this Saturday evening 8th March at the Little Rose Pub. Booking is essential so call the Little Rose on 01223-870618. All meat is supplied by Barker Brothers Butchers in Shelford.

Haslingfield – Week of Prayer

churchlogo(4)Haslingfield Christians are offering a Week of Prayer to our village from 5th-11th March 2014.
Haslingfield Christians includes All Saints’ Parish Church, the Methodist Church, Roman Catholic House Group and Christians who worship at other churches in the city and in other villages.
There will be 9 places in the village for you to ‘Pause and Ponder’.  If you are unable to join the Guided Walk on the 8th March, just walk around the village and pause at each one a moment to read and reflect.

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Haslingfield Man to run ‘The Toughest Footrace on the Planet’

Marathon des sables (2)In less than 8 weeks’ time, 26 year old, James van der Hoorn from Moss Drive, Haslingfield will be running 156 miles across one of the most desolate landscapes on Earth. Described by National Geographic as the toughest footrace on the planet, The Marathon des Sables is run across the Sahara Desert. James’ chosen charity for this footrace is Mencap.

Here he explains why he’s attempting it and why the sacrifices will all be worth it… Read more

How to Donate to The Cambridge City Foodbank

Cambridge City FoodbankThe Cambridge City Foodbank is at the centre of a local community project. Food is donated through the generosity of the public, and 90+ professional agencies in the Cambridge area assess and refer people in crisis to the foodbank’s distribution centres using a voucher system. Read more

2 pence coins for ‘Squeaky Gate’ charity

Terry Baker, who lives in Haslingfield,  has been asked to help create part of a garden at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show for the charity ‘Squeaky Gate’, which provides support to young people with mental health difficulties. The garden will include a paving made out of 2p coins – the aim being to raise £4,500 worth of 2ps to make a pathway. Read more

Haslingfield and the Great War

Many thanks to Brian Sewell, of River Farm, for information relating to his father. Arthur Sewell took an active part in the Great War, fighting at the Somme and at Ypres. He was awarded the Military Medal for bravery. He also took part in the famous Christmas Day football match between the Germans and British. He was later captured, but managed to escape. When he arrived home late at night he called out “Have you got a bed for a weary soldier?” It was the first his parents had heard of him since he had been posted missing years before.

If you have any stories about your family in the Great War, I would be delighted to hear from you, and with your permission will use extracts in our planned presentation on November 11th.

The Future of Bourn Brook – Open Meeting

Bourne BrookBourne BrookBourne Brook-bmpDear all,
 I work for the Wildlife Trust with a focus at the moment on the Bourn Brook, which rises to the east of Eltisley and flows into the River Rhee (or Upper Cam) at Byron’s Pool, running through (or along the boundaries of) the parishes of  Eltisley,  Caxton,  Bourn,  Kingston,  Great Eversden,  Little Eversden,  Caldecote,  Toft,  Comberton,  Barton,  Harlton,  Haslingfield,  Grantchester and near to Cambourne.  We are holding an open meeting on Weds 5th February at Bourn Golf Club, 7pm-9.30pm to explain what’s been happening on the brook over the last few years, to listen to what people have to say and to find out whether anyone is interested in getting involved with looking after this local feature.  Everyone welcome.

Read more

Happy New Year from the Web Team!

The Haslingfield Village Web Team would like to wish all visitors to the site a very Happy New Year! We hope you are continuing to find the website useful, and don’t forget, if you have any news of interest to the community, you can submit it by clicking here. And, of course, you can always comment on any post (article) by completing the comment box at the bottom of the relevant post.