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Hare and Hounds – Pop-Up Restaurant

The Hare and Hounds in Harlton are holding a pop up restaurant event on Saturday 16th December.  The 3 course menu by Provenance seasonal wood fired food will cost £25 and the first sitting will start at 6 pm followed by another sitting at 8 pm.  See Menu .
If you are interested, it is important to ring Andy at the Hare and Hounds on 01223 264698, to reserve a table.
Also find the opening times over the festive period.

Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) – AGM

The Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having their annual general meeting (AGM) on Monday 4th December in the Little Rose at 19:30. They have some vacant plots so if you have some spare time and want either a plot or get involved then just come along. Here is the AGM Agenda and the AGM Minutes of last year’s meeting.
Ron van der Hoorn – Treasurer

Hare and Hounds, Harlton 

We would like to announce that the Hare and Hounds is now open.  You will find we have a good selection of beers and wine as well as soft drinks and coffee. However, the food we offer at the moment is limited as we are making alterations to the kitchen.  At the moment you can purchase sandwiches, home made soup and hand-cut chips at lunch time only.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Friday   11.30 am to 2.00 pm       4.00 pm to 11.00 pm
Saturday                   11.00 am to 11.00 pm
Sunday                      12 noon to 10.30 pm

PLEASE NOTE  – we will be restarting the Quiz this Sunday the 19th starting at 8.30 pm prompt. 
You will receive a warm welcome from the new tenants Andy and Richard.

Results of the Phase 3 Traffic Calming Ballot

The votes were checked and counted by Frances Laville, Parish Clerk and Jenny Jullien, Chairman and validated against the Electoral Register. There are 1,272 people on the register of whom 500 voted, 39%.
Of the 500 votes cast;

  • 182 voted YES, 36%
  • 290 voted NO, 58%
  • 28 votes cast were invalid.

Therefore, phase 3 of the traffic calming scheme will not be implemented.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the ballot.  Jenny Jullien – Chairman, Haslingfield Parish Council

Hare and Hounds to re-open

I am delighted to confirm that the Hare & Hounds will be re-opening from late afternoon on Friday 10th November. For the first few weeks, there will be a full drinks bar but food will only be light snacks until a full menu is introduced at a later date. This is because the tenants are still in the process of appointing a chef, and there is also some work still to be done in the kitchen.
There has been a tremendous team effort over the last couple of weeks to help with all the preparations for the pub re-opening. A big thank you to all the volunteers who gave so much of their time to perform cleaning and painting tasks. The Steering Group, and the tenants, Andy and Richard, are very grateful for all of your support.
There are a number of activities being planned, centred around the pub, including a Christmas Craft Fair on 12th November.

Remember ballot papers need to be returned by 31 OCTOBER 2017

 Phase 3 of the Traffic Calming Scheme

If you have mislaid your ballot paper or are having difficulties returning it to one of the Parish Councillors, then please let me know and I’ll either get another copy to you or collect your completed ballot paper or even both.  You can also get a copy here: TC Phase 3 Ballot Paper

01223 872848       07450910015

Jenny Jullien