Author Archive

Next Haslingfield Village Society Meeting

tigerWhere the wild things are!  Rebecca Willers from Shepreth Wildlife Park will talk about the work there, her experiences with The Tiger Anti-poaching Project in Sumatra and the Hedgehog Hospital Project.  Tues., 19 February, 8:00pm at The Village Centre.  Members and  school age childrena free; small charge for non-members. All Welcome.

Next Film Club Evening

movie cameraThe next film show will be at 7.30pm on Friday 8th February 2013  in Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Admission is free.   Running time c. 140 min., rating 12.   Tea & Coffee break, collection to cover refreshments and use of room. Read more

Film Club

movie cameraThe next film show will be at Friday 18th January 2013 at 7.30pm in Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Admission is free.   Running time c. 14o min.   Tea/Coffee half way through, collection to cover refreshments and use of room. Read more

Next Village Society Talk

The story of Matthew’s of Trinity Street 1832-1962
told by Judy Wilson

Haslingfield Village Hall, 8.00 pm, Tuesday 15th January, 2013

Many will remember Matthew & Son, the high-class grocery shop that was a feature of Trinity Street for 130 years until the early 1960s, trading in premises now occupied by Heffers Bookshop.   The talk will tell the story of this well regarded Cambridge grocer and wine merchant and of the family that ran it for three generations.

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Registered Charity 1101787

For the past ten years we have organised village festivals, barbecues, concerts, barn dances and numerous other events to raise money for conserving the church building –  a vital part of our village heritage and a prime venue for music and the arts.  We now  need new leadership.     Read more




Haslingfield Methodist Church

11am – 2.30pm

Come for a light lunch, or some delicious cakes, and find out about lots of different charities

Next Village Society Talk

Sigh! Winter can be gloomy enough without having to look out your window at a dull, uninteresting garden. Help is at hand!  “PLANTS FOR WINTER INTEREST” is the presentation by Peter Jackson  of Scotsdale Garden Centre, on Tuesday 27 November in the Village Centre at 8PM.

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Faith to Live by Services

These meetings are held at 6.30pm on Sunday once per month at the Methodist Church and include a short period of worship with an address by an invited speaker, followed by refreshments and informal discussion.  Everyone welcome.

Film Club

movie cameraThe next film show will be at 7.30 on Friday 9th November 2012 in Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Admission is free.   Running time c. 143 min.  Rating – Suitable for All.  Tea/Coffee half way through, collection to cover refreshments and use of room. Read more


Charity Fair, HaslingfieldMethodistChurch
November 17th     11am   –  2.30pm

15 different charities will be represented here to raise money for a variety of causes, and to share information about their charities. Read more