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Little Owls Ceilidh , Saturday 4th March

We are thrilled to welcome back to Haslingfield the highly regarded Cambridge University Ceilidh Band, playing for us at All Saints’ Church on Saturday the 4th of March from 8.30-10.30 pm. 
There will be a licensed bar and local caller, Bob Ridout, will once again be guiding us through the dances. Last year’s Ceilidh was terrific fun and we can promise you a great evening out.  Click the pic to see full details.

Beauty, Makeup and Massage Service

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                             Award winning products -botanical & essential oils based.

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                                   Happy to chat: Please get in touch for info’: Ask for Jan









Music in All Saints’ Church

Advance notice:

Saturday 25th March, Haslingfield Choir & Orchestra, Bach’s St John Passion.
Saturday 8 April, Richard Gowers, Senior Organ Scholar, King’s College.
Saturday 13 May, SongCycle, the all cycling/all singing male voice quartet.

Next Haslingfield Village Society Talk

Honor Ridout will be giving a talk on Tudor Cambridge* on Tuesday, 21st March, 8:00pm, in Haslingfield Village Hall.  A resident of the village, Honor is Chair of the Cambridgeshire Association for Local History, a former City Tourist Officer, and author of a book on Stourbridge.   We welcome this return visit from Honor who is a knowledgeable and entertaining speaker.
Read more

Next Village Society Talk

Tuesday 21st February 2017, 8.00pm,  Haslingfield Village Hall

Human Pathology from the Past to the Future: a talk presented by Charles van Heyningen who is a Fellow of the Royal college of Pathologists and retired after 28 years as a consultant pathologist in the NHS.  Pathology is the study of diseases and derives from Ancient Greek roots meaning “an account of suffering”.  His talk explores the practice of human pathology from the nineteenth century to the present and speculates on the future. He describes the growing variety of pathology specialties and the people working in modern laboratory services, including some local history.  

Members and under 16  free: £2.50 for visitors.  Being a ‘village’ society, everyone is very welcome.

Volunteers Cordially Invited

This Sunday (12th) we are going out again from 1.30, meeting at the Wellhouse gate with work to complete.
Jo Fullick has been doing sterling work on the ivy almost daily, but it is a long wall with still some more careful cutting to do.  This Sunday we have 5 new trees to plant in the community orchard – 4 fruit trees and a small oak.
Also to complete putting grass suppressing polythene around all the trees – this needs to be tucked down into grooves to prevent it flying away. Read more

Film Club

The next Film Club meeting  will be on Friday 10th February 2017 at 7.30pm. in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms. Read more

All Saints’ Coffee Morning

There will be a Coffee and Cakes morning at All Saints’, Haslingfield from 10-12 on Saturday 11 February.   Do drop in for a chat, coffee and of course cakes; all proceeds to the Church Restoration Fund.

Merle Barton/José Hopkins

Village Society Social

image002‘The Homing Stone’    AN EVENT NOT TO BE MISSED!

Arthur Ransome, journalist and beloved English writer, and Hugh Lupton, one of Britain’s leading storytellers, are the ingredient of The Haslingfield Village Society’s Social Evening on 4th February 2017.

It is autumn 1919. Moscow is surrounded by counter-revolutionaries. Arthur Ransome is known to be a Bolshevik sympathiser. He’s fallen in love with Trotsky’s secretary. They both know they’ll be lynched or shot if Moscow falls. Somehow they must escape.  Read more


In 2017 what was wet, warm, conversational, cold, friendly and filling? Answer: the Annual Haslingfield New Year’s Day walk led by Mike and Sally Coles.  The forecast on for the day was for heavy rain starting at 11:30; this coincided exactly with about 58 walkers plus dogs and pushchair setting forth.  Not to be beaten by the weather almost all finished.  A few of us (blush) took the shortcut back.  At the end, people lined the length of The Village Hall to enjoy each others company and the soup and sandwiches made by the committee of the Haslingfield Village Society who organise this event. We thank our usual shepherds of the rear, Clive and Sara Blower. Due to the wonderful donations, £212 was raised for ACT, Addenbrooks Charitable Trust.  Happy New Year indeed!