In March, the annual South Cambridgeshire Arts Awards took place. Haslingfield Little Theatre won the award forContribution to Village Life for our plays, social events, Young Little Theatre, Youth Fund and Arts on Tour in Cambs, as well as our fund-raising several years ago for the Village Hall extension, which continues to be an extremely useful village facility. Read more
Venue: Haslingfield Primary School Date: Friday 29th April, 2011 Time: 12.30pm Tickets: Available from the school office or the village shop Price: £2 Adult, £1 Child or £5 Family
Bring a picnic/drinks and celebrate the royal wedding. There will be refreshments on sale and a cake stall. Family games will start at 1.30pm and the royal wedding will be shown. Profits to the PTFA.
We invite you to place an order for high quality bedding plants which we will deliver free to your doorstep. The plants are locally grown in a nursery in Harston – a great way to support a local grower and raise money for Haslingfield Playschool. Read more
Haslingfield Little Theatre is delighted to be supporting several youth members of the drama group in a performance of their Totally Improvised Musical on Friday, 1 April at 7.30 p.m. at Haslingfield Village Hall. Read more
Haslingfield Little Theatre will be displaying 21 years of show photos at the History of Haslingfield Weekend Exhibition on 12/13 March from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall. Do come along and see if you can spot someone you know!
Advance tickets will also be available for our next production on 20 & 21 May, which includes a two-course meal. Read more
This Monday 7 February, at 8.00 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall, we will be reading through the script for our May Production – two very funny short plays, which are comic spoofs of well-known play types, in which anything that can go wrong does go wrong!
If you’ve ever felt like taking the acting plunge, this could be your chance to take on a small but great fun challenge! Read more
On 20 & 21 May, Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing their Spring Production: Two Coarse Plays with a Two Course Meal. The two hilarious plays are: Trapped, which is based on a country house thriller Pride at Southanger Park,a romance set in Regency times
And, of course, in true coarse acting spirit, everything that can go wrong does go wrong within both plays!
Tickets are now on sale at Haslingfield Village Shop and the Little Rose pub. They cost £12, and include a two-course meal. The audience will be grouped around tables of 8 people, so you can either buy tickets for yourselves, or why not gather together some friends and book a whole table for what promises to be a very entertaining evening!
The first of this year’s monthly jazz concerts will take place in Haslingfield Village Hall this Friday,
14 January. For more info. please click here:
There are still tickets available for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s new show:There’s Snow Business…. which includes a very funny script; singing and dancing to both well-known and new songs; plus magic by our own Merlin and Santa Claus.
Come and enjoy the performance by your local village drama group, who have been putting on plays to entertain us for 21 years!
We have lots of fun activities for you this year including; face painting, tombola, snowball scavenge, mulled wine, mince pies, cakes, hot food and refreshments available, raffle and carol singing. So please come along and enjoy a mince pie and some lovely carol singing to get you in the mood for the coming Christmas festivities….
We are currently looking for someone (male or female) to volunteer for the role of PTFA Secretary. Training and support will be given. If you are a person living in the local community who can spare some time, then please contact Helen at or phone 870139. Read more
THERE’S SNOW BUSINESS …..will magically transport you through time to:
The Victorian Era in the depths of winter; The Land of King Arthur – complete with Merlin and Medieval Serfs. Meanwhile, a timeless Santa Claus has troubles of his own!
Venue: Haslingfield Village Hall When: 25, 26, 27 November at 19.30
+ Matinee at 14.00 on 27 Nov. Tickets: £7 / £5 concessions (no concessions on 27 Nov.) Available from Haslingfield Village Shop and from Jan Date on (01223) 872007 or at
A celebration by the Haslingfield/Barton Scout Group and Haslingfield Playschool will be held in the Well House Meadow, Haslingfield on Saturday 6 November. Gates open at 6.00 p.m. (firework display at 6.30. p.m.) Read more