Author Archive

New Jazz Venue

Following the demise of Haslingfield Jazz, another venue is planned at Whittlesford.  This is to be run by a group who regularly supported Haslingfield and a close friend of John Cherry (banjo/guitar), Peter Johnson.  Peter (and his group) can be contacted at Read more

Cambridge Open Studios in Haslingfield

This summer, Cambridge Open Studios will take place on the first four weekends of July. Haslingfield has one artist exhibiting this year – Terry Baker. Her studio and garden will be open from 11.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. on the weekends 16/17 July and 23/24 July. She will be showing many of the mosaic pieces she has made over the past 12 years, including the table-top map of Haslingfield that you can see on the masthead of this website. Read more

Summer Fair

Event:      Summer Fair

Venue:    Haslingfield Primary School

Date:        Saturday, 25th June, 2011

Time:       2pm – 5pm

Come and join us at our Summer Fair! Read more

Film Night Premiere

Film:      RANGO (PG)
Date:      Friday 10th June, 2011
Venue:   Haslingfield Primary School Hall
Time:      6.30pm – 8pm
Cost:        £3.00
Tickets:  In advance from the school office or on the door.

Popcorn, snacks and drinks will be on sale.  Funds raised will
go to the PTFA.

PTFA Car Wash

:   Haslingfield Primary School (in the School car park)
Date:      Thursday 19th May, 2011
Time:      From 16.30 to 18.30 hours
Booking: Either in advance at the school office (870457) or just come along and get your car cleaned
Cost:      £3.00 per car

Music and refreshments available while you wait. All funds raised in aid of PTFA.