Regrettably, The Little Theatre Poetry Evening, due to take place on Friday 23 March at Haslingfield Village Hall, has been cancelled. We would be grateful if you could pass this message on to anyone you know who was planning to attend. Many thanks.
We will be holding another evening of poetry readings on Friday 23 March at 8.00 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall. Poems of all kinds – funny and sad, short and long, old and new – will be included in this informal evening. Read more
Following the demise of Haslingfield Jazz, another venue is planned at Whittlesford. This is to be run by a group who regularly supported Haslingfield and a close friend of John Cherry (banjo/guitar), Peter Johnson. Peter (and his group) can be contacted at whittlesfordjazz@ymail.comRead more
Several years ago, an annual race was run in Haslingfield – the winner getting The Pledger Cup. Do you know anything about the Cup, its current whereabouts, or indeed the race itself? If so, please email Diana Offord at or write your comment below.
Our Spring Production is Oscar Wilde’s witty and delightful comedy: The Importance of Being Earnest. If you are interested in being part of this production – on-stage or back-stage, you are very welcome to come to the Auditions, as follows: Read more
THIS WEEK on Thursday, 24th, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th November, Haslingfield Little Theatre are performing Beauty and the Beast in the Village Hall. It is the culmination of many weeks of rehearsing, costume-making, set-building, prop organising and much more…. Read more
On 24, 25 and 26 November, we will be performing our pantomime, Beauty and the Beast in Haslingfield Village Hall. If you’ve not bought your tickets yet, there are still some available from Haslingfield Village Shop, The Little Rose Pub, or on: 01223 871490. Read more
Once again, we are delighted to collaborate with South Cambridgeshire’s ACT (Arts in Cambridge on Tour) to bring “Back to the Land Girls” by Bad Apple Theatre Company to Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.45 p.m. this Friday 14 October. Read more
Would you like to be involved in our November pantomime – Beauty & the Beast?
If so, why not come along to Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 25 July when we will be reading through the script, and/or Thursday 28 July, when we will be holding the auditions – same time and place. Read more
Last month, Haslingfield Little Theatre performed Two Coarse Plays: Southanger Park (a period romance) and Trapped (a thriller). Coarse acting is a send-up of bad amateur dramatics, when the cast “try their best” to put on a successful show – it’s just that everything keeps going wrong. Read more
This summer, Cambridge Open Studios will take place on the first four weekends of July. Haslingfield has one artist exhibiting this year – Terry Baker. Her studio and garden will be open from 11.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. on the weekends 16/17 July and 23/24 July. She will be showing many of the mosaic pieces she has made over the past 12 years, including the table-top map of Haslingfield that you can see on the masthead of this website. Read more
Film: RANGO (PG) Date: Friday 10th June, 2011 Venue: Haslingfield Primary School Hall Time: 6.30pm – 8pm Cost: £3.00 Tickets: In advance from the school office or on the door.
Popcorn, snacks and drinks will be on sale. Funds raised will
go to the PTFA.
Venue: Haslingfield Primary School (in the School car park) Date: Thursday 19th May, 2011 Time: From 16.30 to 18.30 hours Booking: Either in advance at the school office (870457) or just come along and get your car cleaned Cost: £3.00 per car
Music and refreshments available while you wait. All funds raised in aid of PTFA.