Now it is illegal to squat and it has become a criminal offence to do so, perhaps the law makers will make entry onto private land a similar offence. Heaven only knows how much it costs nationwide to evict these people and clear up the mess and filth many of them leave. Come on Mr Page, start the ball rolling in the Sunday Telegraph.
It is important for all Haslingfield residents to register for superfast broadband by 22nd September 2012.
For more details please visit: where you can register.
A number of burglaries occurred yesterday (Monday 21st May) which are being linked and involved the unusual method of impersonating police officers to gain entry to homes.
John Beresford has been in contact with someone from the Coxall family in Australia about the Coxall family tree. He has unfortunately lost the contact details. Would it be possible to email John at to re-establish contact?
I would like to make you all aware of three recent dwelling burglaries that have been reported in the village in Church Street and New Road. Whilst we can’t categorically confirm they all took place at a similar time, it is possible that all occurred within the last 24 hours.
Yesterday in New Road a bungalow was broken into by forcing a rear kitchen window and jewellery was stolen. It is believed the offence occurred at around 8.20pm and the offender was disturbed. A similar offence took place on 21st November, also in New Road, when a house was burgled and jewellery was also taken. This was at dusk time. Read more
Honor Ridout lives in Haslingfield and is an expert on the subject of Cambridge and its history. She has recently published a book on the subject of Cambridge and Stourbridge fair. We asked if she would like to put an article on the web site about the book. The book is available in good bookshops and on line. This is what she wrote. Read more
One of the ‘Big New Ideas’ from the Coalition Government regarding education relates to ‘Teaching Schools’. This is the suggestion that some schools nationally should be designated with this title. The notion and the terminology are based on the model of ‘Teaching Hospitals’. Some schools are to be seen as beacons of good practice and should take the lead in the training and the professional development of the teaching profession. Read more